2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Withdrawing from the University/Leave of Absence

The University of Dayton recognizes that sometimes students change their mind or it becomes necessary for students to interrupt their enrollment for a period of time and take a leave of absence. The University also recognizes that students may wish to leave the university and do not plan to return. This policy provides an overview of the withdrawal process as well as the process to return. 

Students who wish to withdraw or take a leave of absence from the University at any point prior to the start of a semester, during a semester, or at the conclusion of any semester, must complete the Student Withdrawal/Leave Form (SWLF) via Porches. If a student is unable to complete the form, any university official may submit the form on the student’s behalf with the verbal or written consent of the student or their authorized agent (i.e., parent, guardian, sponsor). 

If the SWLF form is received prior to the last date to withdraw with a “W,” outlined in the Academic Calendar, the student's registration will be canceled without academic penalty. The student will still be responsible for any outstanding financial obligations owed to the University. Please see below for information on cancellations and refunds. Students who leave the University during a semester, or prior to the start of a semester, without withdrawing in accordance with the required procedures will receive the grade they earned in all courses in which they were registered.

The effective date of withdrawal/leave of absence will be the date that the Student Withdrawal/Leave Form was submitted. Lack of attendance/no attendance, failure to check into university housing, etc. are not recognized as official withdrawals/leave of absence. 

Withdrawals and leaves are subject to the cancellations and refunds policy set forth by the University. Please be aware that failure to notify the University of your intention to withdraw or take a leave of absence can impact your ability to receive and utilize federal financial aid at other institutions and you will be held financially responsible for any charges incurred. The process to appeal for a refund is outlined in the aforementioned policy. If the University has sufficient information to verify that a student never arrived/never attended, the University would typically adjust the effective drop date to a date within the refund period and would not require those individuals to submit an appeal for a refund.

Students who indicate that they are leaving the university due to medical circumstances are encouraged to complete a Voluntary Medical Withdrawal (VMW) instead of the SWLF. If a student only completes a VMW and the request is declined but the request was received prior to the last date to withdraw with a “W,” the student will still be withdrawn without academic penalty (W grades) as of the date that the VMW request was received.

Students who are leaving the university AFTER the last date to withdraw with a “W” but PRIOR to the official last day of classes in the semester for NON-MEDICAL reasons will be required to complete the Late Withdrawal Request and document extenuating circumstances. If a Late Withdrawal request is declined, the student will receive the grade they earned in all courses in which they were registered.

Students who withdraw or take a leave from the University are responsible for any outstanding financial obligations with the University. Students who have unpaid bills or other unsettled financial obligations, have unresolved Community Standards and Civility or Equity and Compliance investigations with the University will not receive academic transcripts or be eligible for re-enrollment until they have cleared all such matters.

Returning from Withdrawal/Leave of Absence

Students who wish to return to the University after a leave of absence or withdrawal must generally complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the Intent to Re-Enroll Form or complete a new application for admission, if required

  2. If applicable, resolve any balance due on their University account to be eligible to register for classes

  3. If applicable, resume any unresolved Community Standards and Civility, or Equity and Compliance investigations with the University 

  4. Contact the Dean’s office or Graduate Program director of the student’s academic unit to discuss returning

  5. Submit official transcripts from any institution attended while not enrolled at UD

  6. Complete the FAFSA and any other required forms to determine eligibility for financial aid

  7. Meet with the student’s advisor/academic unit to create a schedule. Once a schedule is created, if a student’s circumstances change, the student should complete the SWLF process described above.

  8. Contact Housing if you intend to live in on-campus housing