2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Academic Standards

To be in good standing, a graduate student must maintain a 3.0 quality point average at all times. Grades are expressed on the student's permanent record in the following manner:

A - Excellent: for each semester hour, 4.0 quality points are allowed

A- - For each semester hour 3.6667 quality points are allowed.

B+ - For each semester hour, 3.3333 quality points are allowed.

B - Good: for each semester hour, 3.0 quality points are allowed.

B- - For each semester hour, 2.6667 quality points are allowed.

C - Passing: for each semester hour, 2.0 quality points are allowed.

F - Failed: 0 quality points are assigned.

CR - Passed: Credit is awarded, but no corresponding quality points are given. This is used for all thesis and dissertation credits and for other special courses that do not affect the 3.0 cumulative quality point average needed to be in good standing. 

I - Incomplete: To be used when a course has otherwise terminated but the student, for an acceptable reason, has not completed all the work for the course. The “I” has 0 quality points per hour and does not affect the cumulative quality point average. An “I” in a graduate course must be removed within one calendar year from the date listed on the grade report, or it will be changed to an “F” on the student's permanent record and the quality-point average adjusted accordingly. The time limit may be extended under exceptional circumstances, with the approval of the dean, if application for the extension is made within the one year period noted.

K - Credit: This mark is used only for credits accepted as transfer credit from other institutions. No quality points are allowed.

IP - In Progress: This designation is used in lieu of a grade for thesis/dissertation credits or other courses which have not terminated at the end of a semester. Upon completion of the thesis/dissertation all “IP” designations will be changed to “CR” in the student’s permanent record. For other courses, appropriate letter grades will replace “IP” designations after the course is completed and the quality-point average will be adjusted accordingly.

W - Withdrawal: Any withdrawal or change of course must be processed by an official Drop-Add Form through the Registration office, with the approval of the graduate student's advisor. During the first three weeks of a full term (or 10 calendar days of a split term) a graduate student may withdraw from a class without record. Financial adjustments, if allowed, will be made only from the date of notification of withdrawal.

X - Audit: This mark indicates that the graduate student has registered to audit the course. No credit hours or quality points are awarded for this mark. NOTE: Any course taken for audit may not be retaken for credit.

S - This mark indicates credit given to students (registered in the University) on the basis of examinations after admission to the University. The level of achievement to be demonstrated by the student on these examinations is determined by the department in which the course is taught. Such credit shall be assigned only on authorization of the dean of the academic division in which the student is registered. No quality points are allowed.

Academic Standing: A graduate student's academic standing is determined according to the cumulative quality-point average at the end of each term. In addition:

a) To be in good academic standing, a graduate student must maintain a cumulative quality-point average of at least 3.0 at all times. A cumulative quality-point average of at least 3.0 is also required for graduation.
b) Thesis and dissertation credits may only be assigned “IP” and “CR” grades and do not count toward the minimum quality-point average of 3.0.
c) A cumulative quality-point average below 3.0 will result in the student being placed on academic probation. 
d) A graduate student on academic probation must complete a written academic recovery contract with his or her graduate program director which shall specify goals, expectations and a timeline for achieving good academic standing. This contract must specify the duration of the probationary period, which may not be shorter than one academic semester nor longer than one calendar year, and must be approved by the student’s academic dean, or designee.
e) Students whose academic performance has seriously impaired their ability to succeed at the University of Dayton may be subject to academic dismissal by his or her academic dean, who authorizes the dismissal and notifies the student of his or her status. Graduate students who may be dismissed include:

  1.  those who fail to achieve good standing at the end of an agreed upon period of academic probation;
  2.  those who receive one or more grades of “F”; and,
  3.  those who have accumulated six or more semester hours of “C” grades, regardless of  the cumulative quality-point average.

f) The Registrar will post Academic Dismissal on the permanent record of any student dismissed.