General Requirements
All bachelor's degrees granted by the University of Dayton require a minimum of 120 semester hours of credit with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0.
Specific requirements for the various degrees are listed under the schools granting the degrees. For more information, visit the sections on the four divisions.
One year (thirty semester hours) of residence is a minimum requirement for any bachelor's degree. The semester hour is the unit by which the University measures its course work, and the number of semester hours is determined by the number of in class hours a week and the number of weeks in the session. One semester hour is assigned to a class which meets fifty minutes a week over the period of one term.
Students enrolled in the University as candidates for degrees should not take courses at other colleges or universities without first obtaining written permission from their respective deans. If the permission is granted, the dean will request "transient status" for such students at designated institutions. The University reserves the right not to accept credits for such courses when this procedure has not been followed.
The Bachelor of Science in Education may be awarded to holders of nonprofessional degrees from the University of Dayton with the completion of a minimum of thirty semester hours prescribed by the School of Education and Health Sciences beyond the requirements of the nonprofessional degree. The Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science may be awarded to holders of professional degrees from the University of Dayton upon the completion of the requirements for such degrees. Any student wishing to obtain a second bachelor's degree may do so by completing the requirements for the second degree as determined by the faculty of the college or school in which this degree is offered.
All students following four-year programs are required to complete successfully the University requirements in the Common Academic Program.