Degree Requirements
Students have the responsibility of meeting degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA). Therefore, they should be thoroughly familiar with the degree requirements and with their progress towards meeting those requirements. Students should consult with their advisor in the John D. Mittelstaedt Center for Academic Advising and Business Student Success in addition to tracking their own progress towards degree requirements.
1. The candidate must successfully complete all requirements for the BSBA including:
a. Common Academic Program (CAP)
b. Business Core
c. Business Major
d. Business Wisdom through International, Service, and Experiential Learning (BWISE)
2. Students must complete 125 total semester hours to earn a BSBA with the following considerations:
a. At least 54 semester hours must be at the 300-400 level.
b. At least 30 of the final 36 semester hours must be earned in residence at the University of Dayton.
c. Waived course hours must be made up with an equivalent number of undergraduate course hours.
d. Only 7 hours of coursework can double count between two majors or a major and a minor.
e. From 0 to 12 hours of general elective credits may be required to reach the required total semester hours, depending on major and choice of courses to fill CAP requirements. The general elective hours may be used to support a second major or minor.
3. The candidate for graduation must have at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average and also at least a 2.0 grade point average in each major and minor. The 2.0 grade point average in the major includes all courses that are required in the student’s major except for the courses that are part of the Business Core.
4. All courses that are used to fulfill CAP, Business Core, major, and minor requirements must be taken under Option 1 (Letter Grades). In addition to those courses which must be taken under Option 1 (Letter Grades), a student may take a maximum of 12 semester hours of general electives under Option 2 (Satisfactory or No Credit) within the hours required for graduation in the degree program. A student may take any course beyond the minimum hours required for graduation in the degree program under Option 2 (Satisfactory or No Credit).