2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Institute for Pastoral Initiatives

The Institute for Pastoral Initiatives mobilizes the resources of the University of Dayton for partnerships with the church that create and implement innovative pastoral initiatives designed to meet the needs of the church and to articulate faith within the context of contemporary culture.

The Institute co-directs the unique Forum for Young Catechetical Leaders for students. The Forum prepares students to be certified to become catechists in the Catholic Church. Students are introduced to outstanding catechetical leaders from around the country. Each semester students gather one Saturday a month for a full day of catechetical formation. This is the only such program in the U.S. in a Catholic University.

The Virtual Learning for Faith Formation (online courses) is coordinated by the Institute. Courses are offered for CEUs to support Catechist, Youth Ministry and Lay Ecclesial Leadership Formation.

The Institute's overall mission is to reflect the Catholic Marianist identity of the University through education, consultative services, networking, applied pastoral research and multimedia catechetical productions and publications.

The Institute is currently focusing on research and teaching in the following areas:

  • Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities within the Church
  • Forum for Young Catechetical Leaders
  • Lay Ecclesial Leadership Formation
  • New Paradigms for Adult Faith Formation
  • Pastoral Communications and Ministry
  • Religion, Spirituality and Film
  • Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (Internet)

Inst for Pastorl Int-Marianist Courses

IPM 228. Marianist Studies: Mary. 1 Hour

Survey of the roles Mary has which make her a model for believers to follow: believer, prophet, God-bearer/mother, disciple, and companion. Special attention is given to the events of her life and the life of her son Jesus. Prerequitie(s): (IPM 220, IPM 221) or permission of instructor.

Inst for Pastorl Int Courses

IPI 100. Survey of Catholic Doctrine. 1 Hour

Comprehensive survey of Catholic doctrine which systematically follows the structure of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed. Prerequisite(s): Permission.

IPI 121. Conscience. 1 Hour

The steps, stages of development, and concepts concerning moral decision making as practiced within the context of the Roman Catholic faith. Prerequisite(s): IPI 100 or permission of instructor.

IPI 130. Introduction to Scripture. 1 Hour

An introductory overview of Christian scripture that is foundational for Old and New Testament online courses.

IPI 131. Introduction to Old Testament. 1 Hour

Study of contemporary Old Testament studies to learn how to read a biblical text in terms of its literary qualities and cultural influences on interpretations. Prerequisite(s): REL 210.

IPI 132. Introduction to New Testament. 1 Hour

Introduction to the New Testament with a focus on the text's cultural contexts, literary composition, theological themes, and pastoral applications. Prerequisite(s): REL 211.

IPI 180. Faith & Human Development. 1 Hour

Study of the development of Christian spirituality as part of human moral and psychological development. Prerequisite(s): Permission.

IPI 210. Introduction to Prayer. 1 Hour

Introduction to the nature and types of prayer understood and practiced in Scripture and the theological and liturgical tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. Prerequisite(s): IPI 100 or permission of instructor.

IPI 211. Prayer with Children. 1 Hour

Survey of how children develop spiritually and the best practices for teaching children techniques in prayer and developing their spiritual life. Prerequisite(s): IPI 100 or permission of instructor.

IPI 212. Introduction to Liturgy. 1 Hour

Introduction to the public and communal worship of the Church, its purpose and features, with special attention paid to the Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours. Prerequisite(s): IPI 100 or permission of instructor.

IPI 220. Catholc Social Teaching. 1 Hour

Survey of the foundations and key themes of the social teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. Prerequisite(s): IPI 100 or permission of instructor.

IPI 225. Ecclesiology: The Beginnings of the Church. 1 Hour

Introduction to the theological study of the Church, including basic terms and concepts essential for understanding the Church's nature, mission, and historical evolution. Prerequisite(s): REL 212.

IPI 226. Ecclesiology: The Pilgrim Church. 1 Hour

Exploration of how the Church maintains its continuity with Jesus and reshapes its own self-understanding, focusing on how the Church continually reconstitutes itself through its decisions in meeting the challenges of each age. Prerequisite(s): REL 240.

IPI 227. Ecclesiology: Reframing Church. 1 Hour

Focus on the Second Vatican Council as a whole with specific consideration of the Council's teachings regarding liturgy, Scripture, hierarchy, laity, and the Church's relationship with the world. Prerequisite(s): REL 241.

IPI 228. Mary Holy Possiblty. 1 Hour

IPI 229. Introduction to Islam. 1 Hour

The origin, development and spread of Islam is surveyed, followed by the study of the basics of this religion, including major practices and beliefs, the role of the Quran, perspectives on gender roles and how Islam views people of other faiths.Consideration will also be given to factors that give rise to either fundamentalist or democratic movements in the Muslim world. Prerequisite(s): IPI 100 or permission of instructor.

IPI 250. Church History I. 1 Hour

Survey of the origin and development of the Roman Catholic Church from the apostolic era through the Protestant and Catholic Reformation, with a focus on key events and personalities. Prerequisite(s): IPI 100 or permission of instructor.

IPI 251. Church History II. 1 Hour

Survey of the origin and development of the Roman Catholic Church from the Reformation era to the post-Vatican II era with a focus on key events and personalities. Prerequisite(s): (IPI 100, 250) or permission of instructor.

IPI 253. History of Catholic Social Action. 1 Hour

An introduction to official Catholic Church documents on social teaching and how Catholic activism around the world has influenced these teachings. Prerequisite(s): REL 262.

IPI 254. United States & World Poverty. 1 Hour

Analysis of conditions, causes, and trends of poverty in the U.S. and abroad and responses through the theological lens of Catholic social teaching. Prerequisite(s): REL 260B, 263.

IPI 260. Introduction to Catechesis. 1 Hour

Exploration and analysis of the purpose, methods, goals, tasks and essential content of catechesis.

IPI 300. Christology. 1 Hour

Survey of the origins and development of the foundational doctrines and theology concerning the identity, work, and mission of Jesus Christ. Prerequisite(s): IPI 100 or permission of instructor.

IPI 301. Mary. 1 Hour

Survey of the place the Virgin Mary occupies in the history of salvation and in the Church's life. Prerequisite(s): IPI 100 or permission of instructor.

IPI 302. Sacraments. 1 Hour

Survey of the history, theology, pastoral and liturgical practice of the sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church. Prerequisite(s): IPI 100 or permission of instructor.

IPI 303. Sacraments of Initiation. 1 Hour

The history, theology, pastoral and liturgical practice of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.

IPI 304. Sacrament of Marriage. 1 Hour

The history, theology, official teaching, pastoral and liturgical practice of the Sacrament of Matrimony according to the Roman Catholic Church. Prerequisite(s): IPI 100 or permission.

IPI 400. Advanced Catholic Social Teaching. 1 Hour

Detailed discussion of the principles and recurring themes of Catholic Social Teaching according to papal social encyclicals and other documents. Prerequisite(s): (IPI 100, 220) or permission of instructor.

IPI 435. Scripture & Justice. 1 Hour

Exploration of Old and New Testament foundations for Catholic social teaching and social action.

IPI 450. Vocation Ministry. 1 Hour

Basic principles of ministry in the Church are introduced, according to guidelines outlined in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' National Certification Standards for Lay Ecclesial Ministers. Prerequisite(s): IPI 477 or permission of instructor.

IPI 451. Communication & Community. 1 Hour

Explores principles and techniques for effective communication in varied kinds of parish and diocesan ministry. Prerequisite(s): (IPI 450, 477) or permission of instructor.

IPI 452. Collaboration in Community. 1 Hour

Study of techniques of effective collaboration with others in ministry and the identification and overcoming of obstacles to collaboration. Prerequisite(s): (IPI 450, IPI 451, IPI 477) or permission of instructor.

IPI 453. Pastoral Culture. 1 Hour

Survey of the theories and concepts related to culture, the ethnic groups that make up the Catholic Church in the United States of America, and the skills needed to begin to work effectively in a multicultural parish community or other Catholic ministry setting. Prerequisite(s): (IPI 450, IPI 451, IPI 452, IPI 477) or permission of instructor.

IPI 454. Leadership Ministry. 1 Hour

Survey of the principles, strategies, and best practices of the exercise of leadership and management within the context of Church ministry. Prerequisite(s): (IPI 450, IPI 451, IPI 452, IPI 453, IPI 477) or permission of instructor.

IPI 455. Administrative Ministry. 1 Hour

Survey of the essential skills of management and supervision in Church ministry, including the spiritual dimension necessary for the effective exercise of those skills. Prerequisite(s): (IPI 450, IPI 451, IPI 452, IPI 453, IPI 454, IPI 477) or permission of instructor.

IPI 456. Church Living System. 1 Hour

Integration of the principles, best practices, and skills needed for effective lay ministry leadership in the Church. Prerequisite(s): (IPI 450, IPI 451, IPI 452, IPI 453, IPI 454, IPI 455, IPI 477) or permission of instructor.

IPI 460. Foundations & Vision for Adult Learning & Faith Formation. 1 Hour

Exploration and analysis of the principles, tasks, and goals of adult faith formation within the larger context of lifelong catechesis. Prerequisite(s): IPI 477 or permission of instructor.

IPI 461. Parish as a Learning Community. 1 Hour

Examination of the parish as a learning community in order to facilitate adult faith formation. Content includes the study of the dynamics and stages of community and group development, the characteristics of a learning community, and the development of strategies for the formation of the parish as a learning community. Prerequisite(s): IPI 460 or permission of instructor.

IPI 462. Many Faces of Adult Learners. 1 Hour

Examination of the intellectual and spiritual capacities and experiences which constitute adult learning and faith formation. Prerequisite(s): IPI 461 or permission of instructor.

IPI 463. Facilitating Adult Learning & Faith Formation. 1 Hour

Examination of the foundations, principles, and strategies for effective adult learning and facilitation of adult learning and faith formation for all stages of adulthood. Prerequisite(s): IPI 462 or permission of instructor.

IPI 464. Leadership Roles & Skills for Adult Learning & Faith Formation. 1 Hour

Study and development of leadership and team development skills for adult learning and faith formation, including skills in collaboration, forming and empowering others for roles in adult learning and faith formation, learning how to facilitate effective meetings, learning effective methods of communication in groups, dealing with conflict, and developing ways for leaders to create a balanced approach to Christian life. Prerequisite(s): IPI 463 or permission of instructor.

IPI 465. Spirituality in Adult Learning & Faith Formation. 1 Hour

Exploration of the defining spirituality, and the principles, techniques, and goals required for an authentic spiritual life in the specific context of adult faith formation. Content also includes a survey of the different schools of spirituality within Catholic tradition. P rerequisite(s): IPI 464 or permission of instructor.

IPI 466. Designing & Implementing Adult Learning & Faith Formation. 1 Hour

Presentation and analysis of the principles, tasks, and goals of adult faith formation within the larger context of lifelong catechesis. Prerequisite(s): IPI 465 or permission of instructor.

IPI 477. Vocation, Spirituality & Discipleship of Catechists. 1 Hour

Exploration and analysis of the vocation, spirituality, and discipleship of catechesis. Prerequisite(s): IPI 260 or equivalent.

IPI 480. A Vision for Catholic Youth Ministry. 1 Hour

Introduction to the themes, principles, components, and goals to construct successful Catholic youth ministry programs according to guidelines outlined in the US Conference of Catholic Bishops pastoral plan, Renewing the Vision. Prerequisite(s): IPI 477 or permission of instructor.

IPI 481. Relational Ministry with Youth. 1 Hour

Exploration and analysis of the relationships youth have with their parents, youth ministers, and the parish community as a whole. Prerequisite(s): IPI 480 or permission of instructor.

IPI 482. Prayer & Worship with Adolescents. 1 Hour

Study of pedagogical practices to help young people make prayer a central and regular habit of their lives. Prerequisite(s): IPI 481 or permission of instructor.

IPI 483. Principles for Addressing Diversity Issues in Youth Ministry. 1 Hour

Survey of best practices for developing effective youth ministry programs for young people from plural backgrounds and environments. Prerequisite(s): IPI 482 or permission of instructor.

IPI 484. Planning Youth Ministry. 1 Hour

Survey of the common factors and best practices that contribute to effective planning for youth ministry. Prerequisite(s): IPI 483 or permission of instructor.

IPI 496. Parish & Social Action. 1 Hour

Exploration of the roots of the parish's social mission in Scripture and Catholic social teachings. Prerequisite(s): REL 260B, 263.