2024-2025 Academic Catalog

General Requirements for all Bachelor of Arts Programs

A minimum of 124 semester hours of approved coursework must be presented for the B.A. At least 48 semester hours must be completed at the 300-400 level. For limitations on credit and restrictions on courses, consult the chairperson or the dean. No more than 45 hours of the minimum 124 hours may be completed in a student's major discipline.

Introduction to the University

In the first semester, students take a course that introduces them to the University and to their major field of study. Discovering students take specific sections of this course.

Major Concentration

Most major programs require between 30 and 45 semester hours. For department or program requirements, consult program schedules or the department chairperson or program director.

Liberal Studies Curriculum

Every student will complete the Liberal Studies Curriculum. This Curriculum provides students with a breadth of study and experiences in the humanities, the creative and performing arts, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. It complements specialized study in a major and presupposes, builds upon and enhances the University’s Common Academic Program (CAP). Where appropriate, credits in the Liberal Studies Curriculum may apply to other requirements but no more than six hours may be in the departmental major concentration. The Liberal Studies Curriculum includes:

Philosophy and Religious Studies

Students complete 12 semester hours including a course in philosophy and a course in religious studies as part of the CAP First-Year Humanities Commons requirement, and two additional CAP Advanced Studies approved courses in philosophy and/or religious studies.


Students complete 6 semester hours including a course as part of the CAP First-Year Humanities Commons and one additional CAP Advanced Studies approved course in historical study.


Students complete 3 semester hours in literature selected from a list of approved courses. 1 Courses approved for CAP may satisfy this component where applicable.

Creative and Performing Arts

Students complete 3 semester hours in theory, appreciation or history of art and design, music or theater selected from a list of approved courses; or complete 3 semester hours in production and performance selected from a list of approved courses.Courses approved for CAP may satisfy this component where applicable.

L2 Proficiency:

(Proficiency in a language other than English) Students demonstrate basic practical communication in a language other than English in one of three ways:

  1. Students may choose to demonstrate proficiency equivalent to the completion of the 201 level by examination (zero semester hours).
  2. Students may choose to demonstrate proficiency equivalent to the completion of the 141 level by examination, and one of the following four sub-options matching the language course at the 141 level (zero to three semester hours):
    a. 201 level language course
    b. Approved study abroad/intercultural experience
    c. Approved service learning experience
    d. Approved Contextual Course taught in English. 3
  3. Students may choose to demonstrate proficiency by completion of a language course at the 141 level and any necessary prerequisites, and one of the following four sub-options matching the language course at the 141 level (four to eleven semester hours):
    a. 201 level language course
    b. Approved study abroad/intercultural experience
    c. Approved service learning experience
    d. Approved Contextual Course Course taught in English. 3

No credit is awarded through the proficiency examination. The range of semester hours to complete the L2 requirement in Arabic, Chinese and Hindi is zero to twelve.

Social Sciences

Students complete 12 semester hours including one course at the introductory level:

ANT 150Cultural Anthropology3
CJS 101Introduction to Criminal Justice Studies3
CMM 201Foundations of Mass Communication3
or CMM 202 Foundations of Communication Theories & Research
ECO 203Principles of Microeconomics3
POL 201The American Political System3
or POL 202 Introduction to Comparative Politics
or POL 214 Introduction to International Relations
PSY 101Introductory Psychology3
SOC 101Principles of Sociology3
or SOC 204 Modern Social Problems
SWK 201Social Work Practice & Profession3

One course at the 300-400 level in one of the disciplines in which an introductory course was taken, one course from any of the above listed disciplines that is different from what was taken at the introductory and 300/400 level, and SSC 200 Social Science Integrated and CMM 100 Principles of Oral Communication. (Students pursuing a dual-degree in teacher education may apply two approved EDT courses from the School of Education and Health Sciences.).


Students complete 3 semester hours selected from courses in the Department of Mathematics (MTH 205 excluded). CAP mathematics completes the requirement.

Natural Sciences

Students complete a sequence of 3 lecture courses with 2 accompanying laboratories in the Integrated Natural Science Sequence for a total of 11 semester hours. Students who wish to do more advanced study in science may complete 9 semester hours in science courses approved for majors in the departments of biology, chemistry, geology, and physics and 2 semester hours of accompanying laboratories in lieu of the Integrated Natural Science Sequence. CAP natural science may be included in the 11 semester hours.

1 Courses for Literature are as follows:

ENG 151Introduction to Literature3
ENG 203Major British Writers3
ENG 204Major American Writers3
ENG 205Major World Writers3
ENG 210Poetry3
ENG 301Survey of Early English Literature3
ENG 302Survey of Later British Literature3
ENG 311Literature for the Common Good3
ENG 317Contemporary Poetry3
ENG 319Contemporary Fiction3
ENG 320Contemporary Drama3
ENG 321Reading Popular Music3
ENG 322Masterpieces of World Literature3
ENG 323Literature of the Christian Tradition3
ENG 324The Novel3
ENG 325Science Fiction3
ENG 326Sport, Literature & Culture3
ENG 327Studies in Popular Fiction3
ENG 328American Nobel Authors3
ENG 329Short Story3
ENG 331Studies in Film3
ENG 332Studies in Literature & Film3
ENG 333Images of Women in Literature3
ENG 334Modern Men -- Images3
ENG 335African American Literature3
ENG 336Gender and Fiction3
ENG 338Images of Business3
ENG 339American Indian Literature3
ENG 340US Prison Literature and Culture3
ENG 344Literature of the Sixties3
ENG 345Colonial & Postcolonial Literature3
ENG 348Modern Irish Literature3
ENG 360US Latinx Literature3
ENG 362Shakespeare3
ENG 380Studies in Literature1-6
ENG 383History and Philosophy of Tragedy3
ENG 385Religion & Literature3
ENG 405Chaucer3
ENG 407Medieval English Literature3
ENG 410Early Renaissance Literature3
ENG 414Later Renaissance Literature3
ENG 431Milton3
ENG 433Studies in Neo-Classical Literature3
ENG 438English Romanticism3
ENG 444Studies in 19th Century English Literature3
ENG 44820th Century British Literature3
ENG 45520th Century American Literature3
ENG 482Modern Poetry3
FRN 352Old World Meets New (ENG)3
FRN 360Explication De Textes3
FRN 361Survey of French Literature I3
FRN 362Survey of French Literature II3
FRN 381History of French Cinema3
FRN 450French Literature3
FRN 452Old World Meets New (FRN)3
GER 361Survey of German Literature I3
GER 362Survey of German Literature II3
GER 450German Literature3
GLC 321Classical Literature in Translation3
GLC 332German Literature & Civilization3
GLC 350French Literature in Translation3
GLC 361Hispanic Literature in Translation3
ITA 361Survey of Italian Literature I3
ITA 362Survey of Italian Literature II3
SPN 361Survey of Spanish Literature I3
SPN 362Survey of Spanish Literature II3
SPN 363Survey of Latin American Literature I3
SPN 364Survey of Latin American Literature II3
SPN 450Topics in Pre-20th Century Spanish Literature3
SPN 451Topics in Pre-20th Century Spanish-American Literature3
SPN 471Topics from 20th and 21st Century Spanish Literature3
SPN 472Topics in Contemporary Spanish-American Literature and Film3

 2 Courses for Creative and Performing Arts are as follows:

ASI 214Dramatic Kinesics in a Foreign Language1
ASI 341Special Topics in Arts Study1-3
CMM 331Feature Writing3
CMM 332Publication Design3
CMM 341Audio Production3
CMM 342Fundamentals of Video Production3
CMM 343Writing for Electronic and Digital Media3
CMM 344Multimedia Design & Production I3
CMM 351Public Speaking3
CMM 442Advanced Television Production3
CMM 449Topics in Electronic Media3
ENG 282Introduction to Writing Poetry3
ENG 284Intro-Writng Fiction3
ENG 308Writing Poetry3
ENG 310Writing Fiction3
ENG 331Studies in Film3
MUS 110Fundamentals of Music2
MUS 111Theory of Music I2
MUS 112Theory of Music II2
MUS 113Aural Skills I2
MUS 114Aural Skills II2
MUS 115Music in Theory & Practice3
MUS 116Music in Theory & Practice3
MUS 191Voice Class2
MUS 195Beginning Guitar Class I1
MUS 196Group Piano I1
MUS 205Music, Technology and Culture3
MUS 295Beginning Guitar Class II1
MUS 301Understanding Music History in the West3
MUS 302Ethics and American Popular Music3
MUS 303Introduction to Musics of the World3
MUS 304The Practice of American Music3
MUS 305African-American Sacred Music3
MUS 306History of American Jazz3
MUS 307Development of American Popular Song3
MUS 309Opera as Philosophy, Music, Drama, and Film3
MUS 328History of the American Musical3
MUS 399Performance Studies1-2
MUS 491University Orchestra1
MUS 492Symphonic Wind Ensemble1
MUS 493University Chorale1
MUS 494Dayton Jazz Ensemble1
MUS 499Performance Studies4
THR 105Theatre Appreciation3
THR 251Beginning Tap Dance2
THR 261Beginning Jazz Dance2-3
THR 271Beginning Ballet2-3
THR 300Performance Practicum1-3
THR 303Scenic Painting3
THR 307Lighting Design3
THR 310Acting for Everyone3
THR 312Acting for the Camera3
THR 320Voice & Movement3
THR 323Ensemble Acting3
THR 330Scenic Design3
THR 351Intermediate Tap Dance2
THR 361Jazz Dance1
THR 371Ballet2
VAD 211Fundamentals of Visual Communication Design3
VAE 232Integrating Visual Culture3
VAF 104Foundation Drawing3
VAF 112Foundation 2-D Design3
VAF 117Foundation 3-D Design3
VAF 203Drawing Through the Process3
VAF 225Painting for Non-Majors3
VAF 226Painting I3
VAF 228Watercolor I3
VAF 232Sculpture I3
VAF 240Ceramics I3
VAF 242Ceramics II: Wheel Throwing3
VAF 253Printmaking I3
VAF 325Figure Painting3
VAH 101Introduction to the Visual Arts3
VAH 129Foundations in Art History3
VAH 201Survey of Art I3
VAH 202Survey of Art II3
VAH 203Survey of Art III3
VAH 310History of Art and Activism3
VAH 320Latin American Art3
VAH 330Arts of Asia3
VAH 350Western Architecture3
VAH 360Art History & Feminism3
VAH 370American Art3
VAH 382History of Photography I3
VAH 383History of Graphic Design3
VAH 483PostColonial and Global Art Histories3
VAP 100Darkroom Photography for Non-Majors3
VAP 101Foundation Photography3
VAP 200Digital Photography for Non-Majors3
VAR 210Visual Journal3
VAR 220Visual Resources3

3 Contextual courses are as follows for each of the matching languages:

Arabic (ARA)
ANT 315Language & Culture3
CMM 316Intercultural Communication3
GLC 315Arabic Culture in the Middle East and North Africa3
HST 280Making of the Modern Middle East3
HST 318History of Early Islamic Civilizations: From the Prophet to the Pashas3
HST 329Americans and the Middle East3
HST 334History of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict3
HST 354History of Women & Gender in the Middle East3
HST 356History of Transnational Feminism3
PHL 351Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Philosophy3
Chinese (CHI)
ANT 315Language & Culture3
CMM 316Intercultural Communication3
ENG 341Asian American Literature3
ENG 378Professional & Technical Writing3
GLC 345Chinese Civilization and Culture3
GLC 346The Language of Food in East Asia3
HST 260History of Pre-Modern East Asia3
HST 330History of East Asia to 18003
HST 332History of Modern East Asia3
HST 386China in Revolution3
PHL 355Asian Philosophy3
VAH 330Arts of Asia3
French (FRN)
ANT 315Language & Culture3
CMM 316Intercultural Communication3
ENG 407Medieval English Literature3
HST 383History of the Caribbean3
POL 320European Politics and Society3
THR 425Theatre Theory & History3
German (GER)
ANT 315Language & Culture3
CMM 316Intercultural Communication3
GLC 330From Thor to Tolkien: Norse Mythology and Fantasy Literature3
GLC 331Fairy Tales3
GLC 334Immigrants, Refugees, and National Images: German-American Relations3
GLC 335Gender, Sexuality & the Holocaust3
GLC 336Nazi Cinema and Mass Manipulation in the Third Reich3
GLC 337Green Germany, Sustainability and Environmental Justice3
GLC 338The Holocaust in Literature, Film & Culture3
POL 320European Politics and Society3
THR 425Theatre Theory & History3
Hindi (HND)
ANT 315Language & Culture3
CMM 316Intercultural Communication3
HST 356History of Transnational Feminism3
THR 425Theatre Theory & History3
Italian (ITA)
ANT 315Language & Culture3
CMM 316Intercultural Communication3
ENG 367Dante3
HST 389The Italian Diaspora: History and Culture3
THR 425Theatre Theory & History3
VAH 450Italian Renaissance Art3
Latin (LAT)
GLC 320Classical Mythology3
GLC 321Classical Literature in Translation3
HST 220Survey of Ancient History3
HST 303Roman Imperial Rule3
PHL 351Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Philosophy3
THR 425Theatre Theory & History3
Russian (RUS)
ANT 315Language & Culture3
CMM 316Intercultural Communication3
GLC 310Post-Soviet Popular Cultures3
GLC 311Poetry of Resistance and Emerging Feminism under Stalin3
GLC 312Witches, Demons and Madness—Gogol’s Ukrainian Tales of the Macabre3
HST 326Russia, The Soviet Union & Beyond 1860-Present3
HST 328Tolstoy's Russia3
HST 368The Soviet Experiment: From Lenin to Putin3
POL 321Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia3
THR 425Theatre Theory & History3
Spanish (SPN)
ANT 315Language & Culture3
ANT 352Cultures of Latin America3
ANT 368Immigration & Immigrants3
CMM 316Intercultural Communication3
ENG 360US Latinx Literature3
GLC 347Latin/x America and Performing Human Rights3
HST 310History of Spain3
HST 357Modern Latin America3
HST 366History of Religion in Latin America3
HST 358Social & Cultural History of Latin America3
HST 382History of Mexico3
HST 383History of the Caribbean3
HST 384Economic History of Latin America3
PHL 379Latin American Philosophy3
REL 322Latino/Latina Religious Experiences3
SOC 368Immigration & Immigrants3
THR 425Theatre Theory & History3
VAH 320Latin American Art3