School of Engineering

Gül Kremer, Dean
The School of Engineering offers programs leading to master's and doctoral degrees as well as certificate programs in various areas of engineering. These graduate programs permit both departmental and interdisciplinary study to meet the specialized and continuing educational needs of the engineer. Sufficient flexibility allows the student to specialize or pursue a broad field of study. Elective courses can be used to earn certificates in other programs such as Foundations in Engineering, Six Sigma, Sustainability, and other offerings while completing the primary degree program. Current graduate programs in the School of Engineering lead to the following degrees:
Master of Science
- in Aerospace Engineering
- in Bioengineering
- in Chemical Engineering
- in Civil Engineering
- in Computer Engineering
- in Electrical Engineering
- in Electro-Optics
- in Engineering
- in Engineering Management
- in Engineering Mechanics
- in Materials Engineering
- in Mechanical Engineering
- in Renewable and Clean Energy
- in Systems Engineering
Doctor of Engineering
- Major in Aerospace Engineering
- Major in Electrical Engineering
- Major in Materials Engineering
- Major in Mechanical Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Electro-Optics
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
- Major in Aerospace Engineering
- Major in Electrical Engineering
- Major in Materials Engineering
- Major in Mechanical Engineering
Certificate Programs
- Certificate in Foundations of Engineering Management
- Certificate in Six Sigma and Operational Excellence
- Certificate in Systems Engineering Management
- Certificate in Aerospace Electronic Systems
- Certificate in Radar Systems