2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Optional Cooperative Education

Cooperative & Internship Education - Voluntary

Engineering work-based learning offers students the opportunity to integrate classroom theory with practical work experience. Students seamlessly alternate between full-time study semesters and full-time paid engineering work experiences. The program offers students the ability to integrate internships and/or cooperative education opportunities, providing them the flexibility to engage in work-based experiences within their eight semester academic plan. The results include invaluable real-world work experience, clarity in career direction, increased confidence, networking opportunities, greater academic motivation, and providing a source of income. All students majoring in engineering and engineering technology may participate in the cooperative and internship education program. To qualify for the program, you must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student, be in good academic standing, and be making progress towards your degree.

Our School of Engineering Co-op and Internship Office guides and supports students through the work-based learning process. Pursuing co-op or internship opportunities is completely voluntary, but for those who choose to participate, a full complement of education and support is available from our team of professionals. All second-year engineering students take a class to prepare them for work-based learning. Our engineering students can choose to attend on-campus interviews, which are held twice a year. They also have access to the team in the School of Engineering Co-op and Internship Office to answer questions and provide guidance, not only while seeking an opportunity but also while working. Co-op and internship opportunities are available in the Dayton area and across the country. Students can work 1-5 work terms (semesters), are eligible to live in campus housing, and can participate in campus activities if they are working locally. Students are encouraged to begin their co-op or internship experience during the summer of their first year or spring semester of their second year. The Co-op & Internship program requires that the student's employment be engineering work that is related to their academic discipline. The work should be diversified enough to afford a broad learning experience while,  allowing subsequent work terms, which should increase in difficulty, responsibility, and leadership. ABET-approved employer evaluations of job performance and student feedback are integral parts of the program.