2024-2025 Academic Catalog


Jennifer Haan, Graduate Program Director

The English graduate program leading to the Master of Arts degree allows students to concentrate in one of the following areas:

  1. Literary & Cultural Studies
  2. Writing & Rhetoric 
  3. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

The program accommodates both full-time and part-time students, allows them to achieve different goals, and prepares them for a wide variety of careers. 


Graduate teaching assistantships are offered to a select number of qualified students in the M.A. program. Assistantships provide tuition remission for the 30-hour program, a stipend, and benefits. Applications for assistantships are part of the online admission form. Students making satisfactory progress toward their degree who also have a strong teaching record may renew their contract for a second year. Teaching assistants can expect to assist faculty in teaching or research, work as consultants in the Write Place (the University's writing center), and in the second-year may teach in the department’s composition program. 

Master of Arts, English (ENG) minimum 30 hours

Normally 30 semester hours are required. Every student, after completing 6-9 hours of graduate work, will take a Diagnostic Examination. This examination will be reviewed by a faculty committee consisting of the candidate's advisor, the graduate program director, and another member of the graduate faculty or staff.

Major Requirements
ENG 501Introduction to English Studies3
ENG 502Research & Professionalization in English3
Required Concentration (see below) 115-18
Electives 26
Total Hours30
Literary & Cultural Studies Concentration (LCS)
ENG 588Literary Theory 33
or ENG 589 Studies in Criticism
Select 4 courses:12
Medieval English Literature
Early Renaisnce Lit
Topics in Shakespeare
Latr Renasissance Lit
English Romanticism
Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature
Twentieth-Century British Literature
American Romanticism
Major Amer Writers
American Realism & Naturalism
Studies in Twentieth-Century American Literature
Studies in Literature
Studies in an Author
TESOL Concentration (TSL)
EDT 537Second Language Learning and Teaching 3
ENG 541TESOL Methods3
Select 4 courses:12
Introduction to Linguistics
Structure of English
TESOL Concentration Class
TESOL Concentration Class
Writing & Rhetoric Concentration (WTR)
ENG 596Composition Theory 33
Select 4 courses:12
Studies in Writing
Hist of Rhetoric
Contemporary Rhetoric
Teaching Writing in High School & College
Studies in the Teachings of Composition
Professional Writing

 Students must successfully complete the diagnostic examination.


 Six elective hours may be spent within students' concentration, in another concentration, or outside of the English Department.


 Other theory courses within the concentration may be substituted with program director approval.


ENG 501. Introduction to English Studies. 3 Hours

Introduction to English Studies, with an emphasis on the critical reading and writing skills needed in graduate school. Required of all degree applicants.

ENG 502. Research & Professionalization in English. 3 Hours

Introduction to research methodologies and practices of English Studies, with emphasis on professional presentation of scholarly work. Prerequisite(s): ENG 501.

ENG 505. Creative Writing. 3 Hours

Supervised practice in various literary forms. Both group discussions and individual conferences and critiques. Permission of chair required.

ENG 507. Studies in Writing. 1-6 Hours

Special topics in composition, argumentation, technical writing, report writing, and the like.

ENG 514. Medieval English Literature. 3 Hours

A study of the dominant types in the literature of England from the beginning to 1500.

ENG 515. Chaucer. 3 Hours

ENG 516. Appalachian Literature and Culture. 3 Hours

Examines topics and approaches to Appalachian literature and culture relevant to students in the Literary and Cultural Studies track, as well as scholars and professionals pursuing further development in regional and/or ethnic studies. Along with considerations of works in the oral tradition, students engage with a wide range of literary texts and critical approaches by Appalachian writers and about Appalachia and its peoples. Prerequisite(s): ENG 501.

ENG 517. Romancing the Quest: Adventure Fiction through the Ages. 3 Hours

An intensive study of the history, characteristics, and theory of the quest trope in literature. Students will read, write, and take critical-theoretical approaches to a wide variety of adventure fiction understood within its historical context. Prerequisite(s): ENG 501 or permission of instructor.

ENG 522. Early Renaisnce Lit. 3 Hours

ENG 523. Gothic Literature and Culture. 3 Hours

An examination and analysis of various Gothic texts, including works of fiction, poetry, drama, and scholarship since the beginning of the Gothic Age. Students discuss, write about, and research these texts, their time periods, and how the works fit into the broader canon of literature. Prerequisite(s): ENG 501 or permission of instructor.

ENG 524. Topics in Shakespeare. 3 Hours

Advanced study of Shakespeare's works, with attention to his dramatic works in conversation with historical contexts and scholarly/methodological approaches.

ENG 525. Studies in Native American Literature. 3 Hours

Intensive study of Native American literature, including prose, poetry, dramatic works, and theoretical texts.

ENG 530. Early Modern Literature. 3 Hours

Intensive study of early modern texts (ca. 1450-1700), with emphasis on generic distinctions and the relationship between canonical and non-canonical works.

ENG 531. Professional Medical Writing. 3 Hours

An examination of major genres of medical writing that both health professionals and medical writers may encounter in academic, clinical and public settings. This course will focus on rhetorical approaches to analyzing and writing health-related texts, and making medical writing more accessible for diverse audiences. Students will explore ways to revise existing writing to become more inclusive and/or accessible to read, hear and comprehend for audiences with various health literacies, abilities or disabilities, and socio-cultural backgrounds.

ENG 532. Latr Renasissance Lit. 3 Hours

ENG 535. African American Literature. 3 Hours

Study of African American literature, including prose, poetry, essays, music, and theory.

ENG 536. Studies-Drama 1642. 3 Hours

ENG 538. Milton. 3 Hours

Study of the major and minor poems and selected prose of Milton.

ENG 541. TESOL Methods. 3 Hours

Introduction to key concepts, theories, and methods in TESOL. Graduate standing.

ENG 542. St:Neo-Classic Lit. 3 Hours

ENG 543. A Study of the Art and Craft: Creative Nonfiction Workshop. 3 Hours

An intensive study of the art and the crafting of creative nonfiction. Because this multi-faceted genre can take many forms, students read a wide range of creative nonfiction writers and write a variety of styles within the creative nonfiction genre. The course examines the historical foundation of creative nonfiction as well as the place it holds in literary culture today. Students compose various creative essays, some of which will be workshopped with the entire class. Prerequisites: Graduate student status at the University of Dayton OR approved undergraduate students who have successfully completed ENG 315.

ENG 545. Writing Assessment. 3 Hours

Theories and practices of writing assessment for student learning, course design, and program reform with emphasis on the social and institutional purposes and meanings of writing assessment in policy and practice.

ENG 552. English Romanticism. 3 Hours

Study of the major poets and critics of the Romantic Age.

ENG 553. Language Testing and Assessment. 3 Hours

An introduction to key concepts and issues in language testing and assessment. Students learn how to select, critique, and use or adapt existing tests. In addition, they learn how to develop, administer, grade, and evaluate both traditional and newer test instruments and assessment procedures. The course enhances the ability to contribute to a critical discussion of ethical and sociopolitical issues that affect current policies.

ENG 556. Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature. 3 Hours

Study of the literature in England in the nineteenth century.

ENG 560. Twentieth-Century British Literature. 3 Hours

Consideration of significant developments in modern British literature.

ENG 572. American Romanticism. 3 Hours

ENG 576. Major Amer Writers. 3 Hours

ENG 580. American Realism & Naturalism. 3 Hours

Study of representative writers from the post-Civil War period in American literature.

ENG 584. Studies in Twentieth-Century American Literature. 3 Hours

Study of significant developments in American literature of the twentieth century.

ENG 585. Hist of Rhetoric. 3 Hours

ENG 587. Contemporary Rhetoric. 3 Hours

An examination of one or more contemporary forms of argumentation and their application in writing.

ENG 588. Literary Theory. 3 Hours

A study of significant trends in theoretical and/or practical criticism.

ENG 589. Studies in Criticism. 3 Hours

A treatment of specific topics or approaches within the field of critical theory or applied criticism.

ENG 590. Teaching in College English. 0.5 Hours

Discussion, instruction, and practice in the methods of teaching composition and literature. Required of and open only to graduate assistants.

ENG 591. Studies in Literature. 1-6 Hours

An analysis of selected literary problems or areas.

ENG 592. History of English. 3 Hours

Study of stages in the development of the English language and of influences shaping its development from the beginning to the present time.

ENG 594. Structure of English. 3 Hours

No description available.

ENG 596. Composition Theory. 3 Hours

Study of the principal current theories of composition, with application to the teaching and evaluating of writing.

ENG 599. Capstone. 3 Hours

Capstone project is required for completion of the master of arts in English. This course results in a 30 page written document or the equivalent in other media. The focus and nature of the project is dependent on the particular area within English studies in which the student specializes, and is developed in consultation with the student's academic or capstone advisor(s). Prerequisite(s): ENG 501, ENG 502.

ENG 601. Introduction to Graduate Studies in English. 3 Hours

An introduction to the field of English studies. The course provides an overview of bibliographic studies, relevant research methodologies, and current critical trends in scholarship. Required of all degree applicants.

ENG 605. Studies in an Author. 3 Hours

Consideration of the body of an author's work and its relationship to the life of the author.

ENG 609. Studies in a Genre or Mode. 3 Hours

An intensive analysis of a significant literary form or mode.

ENG 613. St:Literary Movement. 3 Hours

ENG 616. Critical Race Theory. 3 Hours

Introduction to critical theories of race, power, and privilege, specifically as they apply to social and cultural structures of racial oppression.

ENG 618. Theories of Gender & Feminism. 3 Hours

Introduction to theories of gender, sex, and sexuality from feminist and queer perspectives. Prerequisites: Graduate status or departmental approval.

ENG 621. Studies in the Teaching of Literature. 3 Hours

An exploration of ways to teach literature more effectively for particular students.

ENG 624. Teaching Writing in High School & College. 3 Hours

This course introduces students to the pedagogical methods and relevant research which informs contemporary writing instruction at the secondary and post-secondary level. Required of all teaching assistants.

ENG 625. Studies in the Teachings of Composition. 3 Hours

An exploration of ways to teach writing more effectively for particular groups of students.

ENG 627. Professional Writing. 1-3 Hours

Analysis of and practice in professional writing in different contexts, for example, proposal writing, evaluative report writing, and editing skills.

ENG 629. Writing Non-Fiction. 3 Hours

ENG 642. Literacy. 3 Hours

Examination of the nature, function, and past and future trajectory of writing as it is embedded within cultural practices of work, school, community, and everyday life. Prerequisite(s): ENG 502.