School of Education and Health Sciences

Ali Carr-Chellman, Dean
Corinne Daprano, Associate Dean
Sabrina Neeley, Associate Dean
Pamela Young, Associate Dean
Mary Lou Andrews, Assistant Dean and Licensure Officer
In conformity with the University's mission, the School of Education and Health Sciences (SEHS) endeavors to educate distinctive graduates who will effectively and efficiently utilize the highest quality of learning and scholarship and engage people in building strong learning communities and in developing collaborative, dynamic partnerships. The SEHS programs focus on distinctive Catholic and Marianist educational and intellectual traditions which enable graduates to become effective practitioners in the field of professional education and the health sciences. The theme for the SEHS is Building Learning Communities through Critical Reflection.
As a community of learners, collaboration and critical reflection are fostered and encouraged through efforts to integrate and connect knowledge, skills and dispositions gained from various courses in the SEHS and the liberal arts, including the Common Academic Program. This acquaints the students with the major areas of knowledge and provides the basis for their specific program of study. The SEHS is particularly noted for the professional development of teachers and health science professionals who are able to enhance the quality of life experiences for both children and adults. In relation to teaching, the school is committed to quality programs which address the professional preparation of teachers for the early, middle and secondary schools and intervention specialists. In relation to the health sciences, the school is committed to quality programs which address the professional preparation for specialists in exercise science and fitness management, sport management, pre-physical therapy, food and nutrition, and nursing. Provisions for professional competence are made through:
- comprehensive study of the various fields
- study of the professional foundations common to all of the program areas
- specialized study of the principles underlying a particular area of study
- appropriate field-based experiences
Students in the SEHS should appraise their commitment to teaching and the health science professions according to their development in specific knowledge, skills and dispositions. Students will have opportunities to apply theory to practice in planned and supervised field-based experiences. Their programs of study will include reflective practice which will incorporate inquiry leading to self improvement.
The SEHS is committed:
- to education for the improvement of others and society
- to the principles that refer to a shared common humanity
- to the dignity of the person and the use of reason and cooperation in seeking social justice
- to the democratic principles
- to a humanistic approach to learning; and
- to the Marianist traditions in education