2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Art and Design-Photography


VAP 100. Darkroom Photography for Non-Majors. 3 Hours

Emphasis on learning and exploring the visual language of lens-based photographic imagery through a series of technical and creative darkroom assignments. Black and white film and chemical processes will be utilized in the creation of photographs. Students gain an understanding of technical and creative control as well as conceptual practices associated with the medium. This course does not fulfill requirements within the Department of Visual Arts.

VAP 101. Foundation Photography. 3 Hours

An experiential project-based course utilizing use both analog and digital processes to create black-and-white photographs designed to challenge the student technically, critically, conceptually, and in the aesthetic problems unique to the photographic medium. Emphasis is placed on the development of individual expression, critical, creative and technical growth through the photographic medium.

VAP 200. Digital Photography for Non-Majors. 3 Hours

An emphasis on learning and exploring the visual language of lens-based digital photographic imagery through a series of technical and creative digital assignments. Using various types of digital capture devices, some examples are cell phones, consumer grade digital cameras and scanners. Macintosh computers, and Adobe Photoshop software will be utilized in the creation of photographs. Students gain an understanding of technical and creative control as well as conceptual practices associated with the digital photographic medium. Course does not fulfill Visual Arts degree requirements.

VAP 201. Photography II. 3 Hours

Variety of challenging projects develop increased technical competence, greater visual awareness, personal expression, and sustained creative growth. Prerequisite(s): VAP 101 or equivalent.

VAP 240. Digital Processes I. 3 Hours

Introduction to the practice, theory, aesthetics, and ethics of digital photography, including direct capture, scanning, enhancement, compositing, manipulation, and high-quality printing. Prerequisite(s): VAP 101 or permission of department chairperson.

VAP 302. Color Photography I. 3 Hours

Introduction to techniques and aesthetics of color photography. Students utilize color sensitive films, papers, and digital technologies in the exploration of color photography. Prerequisite(s): (VAP 101, VAP 240) or permission of department chairperson.

VAP 320. Studio Practice I. 3 Hours

Extensive use of large format camera, studio grip equipment, tungsten and electronic flash lighting techniques; still-life and portrait photography in a studio environment. Prerequisite(s): VAP 201.

VAP 321. Studio Practice II. 3 Hours

Emphasis on the production of a professional-quality portfolio which will demonstrate advanced knowledge of the studio and image production. Prerequisite(s): VAP 320.

VAP 330. Alternative Photography I. 3 Hours

Introduction to specialized image production utilizing silver and non-silver photographic processes. Emphasis on technical and aesthetic aspects of alternative photographic practice. Prerequisite(s): VAP 101.

VAP 331. Alternative Photography I. 3 Hours

Continuing work with alternative silver and non-silver processes. Emphasis on completion of an artist book or installation which demonstrates advanced technical command and aesthetic understanding of the processes employed. Prerequisite(s): VAP 330.

VAP 340. Digital Processes II. 3 Hours

Expands on the practice and theory of digital photography and computer imaging. Emphasis is placed on the creation of a cohesive portfolio of digital artwork through the exploration of advanced digital methodologies and concepts. The course will also focus on the different modes of dissemination relevant to digital images. Prerequisite(s): VAP 240.

VAP 350. View Camera. 3 Hours

Extensive experience with the view camera, examination of refined techniques, various applications, and concepts of large format photography. Prerequisite(s): VAP 201.

VAP 402. Color Photography II. 3 Hours

Continuation of color printing from negatives; completion of individual projects which will demonstrate an advanced understanding of the techniques and aesthetics peculiar to color photography. Prerequisite(s): VAP 302.

VAP 410. Advanced Photography. 3 Hours

Students with a substantial commitment to photography and with demonstrated technical skills work on individual projects and participate in group critiques and discussions. Prerequisite(s): VAH 382 or VAH 482; VAP 201, VAP 302.

VAP 420. Photojournalism. 3 Hours

Variety of ways of using photography as documentation, narrative, and propaganda. Editing of work, layout, and image-text relationships. Personal photographic essay required. Prerequisite(s): VAP 201.

VAP 430. Professional Photographic Applications. 3 Hours

Problem-solving associated with professional photography; may include commercial, editorial, industrial, architectural, and illustrative photographic work both in the studio and on location. Prerequisite(s): VAP 320 or permission of department chairperson.

VAP 450. Photography Internship. 1-3 Hours

Practical applications of photographic skills. Opportunities for advanced development and practical experience in professional working environments. Repeatable up to six semester hours for B.F.A. students. Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chairperson.

VAP 477. Honors Thesis Project. 3 Hours

First of two courses leading to the selection, design, investigation, and completion of an independent, original Honors Thesis project under the guidance of a faculty research advisor. Restricted to students in the Univeristy Honors Program with permission of the program director and department chairperson. Students pursuing an interdisciplinary thesis topic may register for three semester hours each in two separate disciplines in consultation with the department chairpersons. Prerequisite(s): Approval of University Honors Program.

VAP 478. Honors Thesis Project. 3 Hours

Second of two courses leading to the selection, design, investigation, and completion of an independent, original Honors Thesis project under the guidance of a faculty research advisor. Restricted to students in the University Honors Program with permission of the program director and department chairperson. Students pursuing an interdisciplinary thesis topic may register for three semester hours each in two separate disciplines in consultation with the department chairpersons. Prerequisite(s): Approved 477; approval of University Honors Program.

VAP 490. Special Problems in Photography. 1-5 Hours

Series of assignments to guide independent study in photography, formulated to meet individual needs of the student. Prerequisite(s): VAP 201; permission of department chairperson.

VAP 498. Senior/Professional Seminar- Photography. 3 Hours

Capstone course required of all B.A. and B.F.A. photography majors, to be taken in the first semester of the senior year. Examination of aesthetic, cultural, ethical, and pragmatic issues in preparation for post-graduate experience. Prerequisite(s): (VAP 410; senior standing) or permission of department chairperson.

VAP 499. Senior/Professional Seminar II - Photography. 3 Hours

Capstone course required for all BFA Photography majors. Students examine the aesthetic, cultural, ethical, and practical issues within and relating to the field of photography. Students complete a senior project and paper, and give a public presentation of their research to be reviewed by faculty and peers. Prerequisite(s): VAP 498 or permission of department chairperson.