2024-2025 Academic Catalog



SOC 101. Principles of Sociology. 3,4 Hours

Study of social groups, social processes, and society; the individual's relationship to society, social structure, social inequality, ethnic minorities, cities and human populations, and social institutions such as the family, education, religion, and government.

SOC 204. Modern Social Problems. 3 Hours

Course to familiarize students with contemporary problems in society, including historical development, current status, and analysis of problems using modern social theories. Content may vary from section to section.

SOC 208. Social Research Methods. 3 Hours

Study of the logic of research design, data-gathering strategies, types of measurement, and sampling techniques. Both inductive and deductive approaches. Participation in research projects. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 or SOC 204.

SOC 305. Criminological Theory. 3 Hours

Study of the major theories of crime; consideration of the implications of theory for the criminal justice system. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 308. Data Analysis. 3 Hours

The analysis and interpretation of both quantitative and qualitative social science data. Prerequisite(s): SOC 208. Corequisite(s): SOC 308L.

SOC 309. Community Practice & Research. 3 Hours

Study of the design and implementation of community research, including needs assessment and program evaluation in the social service system. (Same as SWK 303.) Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 310. Perspectives on Education and Social Justice. 3 Hours

This Inquiry course gives students a set of lenses to critically evaluate contemporary issues around schools and schooling from a social justice perspective. The course focuses on educational and social scientific research methodologies used for investigating educational inequalities.

SOC 319. Theories of Crime & Justice. 3 Hours

Examination of the major theories of criminality, crime, and justice through a sociological lens; consideration of the implications of various forms of justice and injustice in communities and society. Study of concepts, ideas, definitions, and social constructions of experiences in a society that may shape crime, injustice, and systems of authority. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 320. Law, Harm & Injustice. 3 Hours

This course provides an overview of the sociological approach to harm, justice, and victimology, It covers the historical development of the social construction of victims, the causes and consequences of being harmed and/or victimized, and analyzes the various actors in the socio-cultural, legal and criminal justice arenas as not to be taken for granted as natural, inevitable, and objective but rather, as rooted in social and political forces. Prerequisites: Any introductory social science course.

SOC 321. Sociology of Extremism. 3 Hours

Study of the social understanding and social construction of identity, otherness, difference, and extremism from a sociological lens in such cases as the development of white supremacy, white nationalism, QAnon, and the Incel movement in the United States. Sophomore standing or higher. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 322. Crime, Film & Society. 3 Hours

This course will examine the portrayal of crime and justice in feature length films and how these films influence how our society views issues related to crime. The primary focus will be on the American criminal justice system (law enforcement, courts, and corrections) and the broader topic of justice. Sophomore standing or higher. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 323. Youth, Justice & Law. 3 Hours

The social, cultural, and environmental factors that influence or determine delinquency in society. Study of definitions, theories, and social constructions of juveniles and adolescents and the juvenile justice system's historical and contemporary responses to juvenile problems and delinquency. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 324. Communities and Crime. 3 Hours

The study of the relationship between crime and place, with an emphasis on the impact of crime and crime control on communities and residents.

SOC 325. Deviance, Culture & Society. 3 Hours

Description of various types of social deviance from a sociological lens; for example, body art, self-harm, predatory violence, mental illness, sexuality, illegal drug use, and music subcultures. Study of explanations for the consequences and the role of conformity and deviance in modern society. Sophomore standing or higher. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 326. Law & Society. 3 Hours

Study of the legal system and practices from a sociological point of view; the historical origin and role of the law in society, issues relating to the law as an instrument of social control and/or social change; analysis of the legal profession.

SOC 327. Criminology. 3 Hours

Social and cultural nature, origin, and development of law; criminal behavior; crime control. The influence of society in the creation and organization of legal and crime control systems. Biological, psychological, and sociological factors leading to criminal behavior. Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 328. Racial & Ethnic Relations. 3 Hours

Study of the historical and contemporary experiences of racial and ethnic groups in the United States and globally. Examines how racial and ethnic relations function in the political, social, legal, and economic systems, and how this impacts privilege, oppression, and resistance.

SOC 329. Sex, Crime, and Law. 3 Hours

Study of the ways that sex, gender, and sexuality are regulated in the legal field. Topics covered may include employment discrimination, interracial marriage, mass shootings, police brutality, gender-based violence, sexual harassment, and human trafficking. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 330. Perspectives on Aging. 3 Hours

An introduction to the field of gerontology. Focus on the major physical, psychological, and social dynamics of aging. Selected issues will be highlighted. (Same as SWK 330.).

SOC 331. Marriages & Families. 3 Hours

The course focuses on patterns of family formation and contemporary trends in family life. Topics covered include gender, sexuality, dating, mate selection, singlehood, marriage, reproduction, work and families, divorce, remarriage, and families in later life. Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 332. Gender and Society. 3 Hours

Overview of the ways that sociologists study and understand gender. Course includes a foundation in gender theory as well as investigation of empirical topics such as media, education, work, health, crime, and sexuality. Course is intersectional in approach, examining the ways that gender intersects with other identity categories, such as race, class, age, and sexuality.

SOC 333. Sociology of Sexualities. 3 Hours

Examination of theoretical, ethical, and conceptual issues, empirical research and social policies germane to the sociological study of human sexualities. Topics include: sexual identity and orientation; sexuality throughout the life-course; sexual assault and coercive sexuality; social control of sexuality; social locations (race, class, and gender) and sexuality; and the relationship between sexuality and the socio-political process. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 334. Religion & Society. 3 Hours

Definitions of religion and its role in society. Traditional and nontraditional expressions of religious life from the viewpoint of society. Varieties of religious experience and the interrelations between religious phenomena and other social institutions and societal behavior. Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 337. Political Sociology. 3 Hours

Study of political power. Political influence by economic elites, impact of bureaucracies, competing ideologies, alienation and nonvoting, and social movements as challenges to power structures. Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 339. Social Inequality. 3 Hours

Study of the historical and contemporary experiences of groups in society in terms of social inequality. Examines social structures and how they contribute to social hierarchy and inequality. The students will examine the wealthy, middle class, and the poor in society. Emphasis on the processes that divide people into unequal groups based on wealth, income, status, and power. The effects of social inequality on an individuals' life chances will be examined in this course.

SOC 341. Self & Society. 3 Hours

Study of the relationship between self and others. Socialization, self conceptions, deviant behavior, social influence, and social control.

SOC 342. Social Movements. 3 Hours

Study of the origins, dynamics, and consequences of contemporary and historic social movements. Engagement with a variety of theoretical and empirical perspectives on the social processes and structures that shape collective action. Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 343. Mass Communication in Modern Society. 3 Hours

Social-psychological analysis of the structure and processes of mass communication related to advertising, patterns of social behavior, social change, propaganda, censorship, media control, and social institutions.

SOC 350. Art and Social Practice. 3 Hours

Exploration of varying modes of collaborative art production, for both artists and non-art students, towards the end of understanding and organizing for effective social change and/or inquiry within studio and community settings. Students organize, produce and exhibit an inter-disciplinary group project developed utilizing a sociological lens in an off-campus or social media space.

SOC 351. Urban Sociology. 3 Hours

The study of the development of urban life from ancient times to the present, with an emphasis on contemporary urban population characteristics, social-economic-political structure, and problems. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 or SOC 204.

SOC 352. Community. 3 Hours

Study of the interaction of groups and individuals related by common situations, problems and intentions; creation, maintenance, eclipse, and restoration of close social ties in urban neighborhoods, small towns, and groups with similar interests and lifestyles.

SOC 353. Internet Community. 3 Hours

The relationship between information and communications technologies, particularly the Internet, in contemporary society is examined. Topics will range from differential access to cultural production with an emphasis on the intersections of online and offline communities. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore status.

SOC 354. Perspective on Childhood. 3 Hours

No description available.

SOC 360. Sport and Bodies. 3 Hours

Critical examination of the historical and contemporary ways in which the human body is altered/modified, displayed/portrayed, valued/devalued, and included/excluded in terms of gender, race, social class, and ability status within sports. This course will examine how sport and bodies function in the political, social, and economic systems of the U.S. and globally. Using the perspectives of health and sport sciences and sociology, this course examines sport and bodies from macro and micro perspectives.

SOC 362. Bioessentialism and Constructions of Bodies. 3 Hours

Study of bodies from an essentialist and bio-psychosocial models, as well as culturally informed and historical perspectives. Examines the historical and cultural impact on biological processes and identity formation. Through an intersectional lens, examines power dynamics impacting inclusion and exclusion in dominant structures. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 368. Immigration & Immigrants. 3 Hours

Perspectives on immigration and ethnicity. Studies of social and economic adaptation of new immigrants and the second generation in communities, cities, and societies. Ethnic change, conflict, and contemporary national and international issues, with an emphasis on human rights. Sophomore standing or higher. (Same as ANT 368.).

SOC 371. Sociology of Human Rights. 3 Hours

Study of the sociological theories and research about human rights violations in the United States as well as globally. The course examines economic, cultural, social, health, and political rights. Human Rights are examined as gendered, racialized, and sexualized.

SOC 375. Feminist Social Change. 3 Hours

Exploration of the methods and priorities of feminist social change efforts in varying national, cultural, and/or religious contexts, including outside of the U.S. and Europe. Investigation of the nature, possibilities, and challenges of global and transnational feminist movements. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 380. Health and Inequality. 3 Hours

Exploration of various theories of the link between health and inequality, as well as how these theories can be applied to promote health equity and social justice. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 384. Food Justice. 3 Hours

Diversity, social inequality and social justice are integral aspects of the fields of health science, sociology, and humanities. These issues particular to food are relevant in thinking about the challenges that people in Dayton and around the globe face. Through the combined analysis of at least two departments and/or two academic units, students will learn how to perform descriptive and normative analysis, as well as how to focus on pragmatic opportunities to address and ameliorate food injustice. Prerequisites: Sophomore-status.

SOC 388. Social Theory. 3 Hours

Consideration of the works of classical and modern theorists and major trends in historical and contemporary social thought. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 or SOC 204.

SOC 392. Selected Topics in Sociology. 1-6 Hours

Examination of a current topic of general interest in sociology. Majors and nonmajors may enroll. Consult composite for topics. May be repeated as topic changes. Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 394. Popular Culture. 3 Hours

Introduction to an understanding of popular culture and the entertainment industry, culture trends, popular entertainers and performers and what they reveal about society. This course examines the nature of musical choice, television, radio, Internet, genres and styles, distribution, performance, and the social construction of popular culture. Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 398. Social Science Scholars' Seminar. 3 Hours

Study and seminar discussion of selected sociological writings and the analysis, interpretation and criticism of these works. Open only to students in the Berry Scholars Program. Prerequisite(s): ENG 198; HST 198.

SOC 408. Senior Project Design. 3 Hours

Preparation for sociology capstone course with a focus on a workable research topic, literature review, and research methods design. Required for Sociology majors. Prerequisite(s): SOC 308, SOC 388.

SOC 409. Senior Project Capstone. 3 Hours

Capstone experience for sociology majors consisting of a seminar on research and writing in sociology, an empirical research project, and a written and oral presentation of the research. Students will reflect on how sociological research will influence their professional and personal activities and how they will serve their communities. Prerequisite(s): SOC 408.

SOC 426. Leadership in Building Communities. 3 Hours

Investigation of the processes by which urban neighborhoods develop themselves from the inside out. Students cultivate their own interdisciplinary appreciation of urban communities through extensive interaction with one neighborhood's visioning process. Topics include asset-based community development, social capital, citizenship, adaptive leadership, and community building strategies and tools. Same as POL 426. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.

SOC 432. Structure of Privilege. 3 Hours

Study of the theoretical and conceptual issues, empirical research, and social policies germane to the sociological analysis of privilege. Topics include whiteness, men and masculinities, class-privilege, heterosexuality and heterosexism, and intersectionality. Sophomore standing or higher.

SOC 437. Marx & Sociology. 3 Hours

Study of Marx's writings on topics relevant to the social sciences. Comparison of contemporary Marxian scholarship in such areas as social inequality, political structures, urban change, ideology and consciousness, and models for the future. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 or SOC 204; junior or senior standing.

SOC 477. Honors Thesis Project. 3 Hours

First of two courses leading to the selection, design, investigation, and completion of an independent, original Honors Thesis project under the guidance of a faculty research advisor. Restricted to students in the University Honors Program with permission of the program director and department chairperson. Students pursuing an interdisciplinary thesis topic may register for three semester hours each in two separate disciplines in consultation with the department chairpersons. Prerequisite(s): Approval of University Honors Program.

SOC 478. Honors Thesis Project. 3 Hours

Second of two courses leading to the selection, design, investigation, and completion of an independent, original Honors Thesis project under the guidance of a faculty research advisor. Restricted to students in the University Honors Program with permission of the program director and department chairperson. Students pursuing an interdisciplinary thesis topic may register for three semester hours each in two separate disciplines in consultation with the department chairpersons. Prerequisite(s): Approved 477; approval of University Honors Program.

SOC 492. Special Topics in Sociology. 1-6 Hours

Intensive examination of current theoretical or methodological issues; faculty-advised research project or library work. Consult composite for topics. May be repeated as topic changes. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 or SOC 204; permission of instructor.

SOC 495. Sociology Internship. 1-6 Hours

Supervised work experience related to course work in sociology in appropriate government, social service, and private organizations. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chairperson.

SOC 497. Service Learning Experience. 1 Hour

Supervised community research or service experience that complements a specific upper division course in Sociology. Repeatable up to three semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Corequisite(s): A 300-400 level Sociology course.

SOC 498. Independent Study. 1-6 Hours

Research or special readings on problems of interest to the student under the guidance of sociology staff member. Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chairperson.

SOC 528. Racial & Ethnic Relations. 3 Hours

Study of the historical and contemporary experiences of racial and ethnic groups in the United States and globally. This course examines how racial and ethnic relations function in political, social, legal, and economic systems, and how this impacts privilege, oppression, and resistance. There is particular focus on the structures and theories of racial hierarchies, and how race intersects with other systems of domination. Permission of instructor required.