2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Human Rights Studies


HRS 200. Introduction to Human Rights. 3 Hours

Exploration of the rights of individuals and groups at global, national and local levels. Examination of basic questions about what humans are and what rights are, and a careful consideration of the foundations of rights claims and the myriad of mechanisms for defending and enforcing rights. Investigation into the key social, political, historical, and economic factors that lead to human rights violations and ways in which human rights research methods inform human rights theory and practice.

HRS 329. Genocide, Mass Atrocity and Transitional Justice. 3 Hours

Study of the causes of mass atrocities, the moral and legal challenges involved in responding to them, and the steps individuals can take to raise awareness of these urgent issues. Prerequisites: PHL 103 or HST 103 or ASI 110 or ASI 120 or equivalent.

HRS 360. Anti-Human Trafficking Advocacy. 3 Hours

Exploration of human trafficking at global, national, and local levels with a focus on advocacy and disruption efforts.

HRS 375. Moral Courage Project. 3 Hours

Preparation only for those students selected to engage in the Moral Courage Project, a cohorted program of the UD Human Rights Center. Selected through a competitive process, participating students develop skills and content knowledge in advance of the program’s immersive fieldwork phase, following the semester. Areas of study include foundations of human rights, media studies and narrative storytelling, interviewing and audio production techniques, and subject matter knowledge of a particular human rights event that will be identified for each cycle.

HRS 392. Human Rights and Development in Africa. 3 Hours

Study of human rights and development in Africa. Topics may include racial and other inequalities, poverty, debt, foreign aid, food security, land reform, population, migration and displacement, environment, corruption, and illicit transfer of capital.

HRS 451. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Human Rights. 4 Hours

This course introduces the concepts and implementation of analysis in geographic information systems (GIS), and applies the GIS tool to different human right situations or investigations. This course is cross-listed with GEO 451 and GEO 551.

HRS 497. Capstone Seminar in Human Rights Studies. 3 Hours

Examination and reflection of scholarship and experiential learning activity related to interdisciplinary major. Project and public presentation on a contemporary human rights challenge demonstrating practical wisdom and critical evaluation of our times. Exploration of leadership, advocacy and service opportunities in human rights and humanitarian assistance as vocation.

HRS 498. Independent Study. 1-6 Hours

Research or special readings on problems of interest to the student under the guidance of a Human Rights Studies faculty or staff member. Permission of department chairperson.