GER 101. Basic Proficiency in German I. 4 Hours
Development of basic communication and intercultural skills in reading, listening, writing, and speaking through extensive practice in language use. Admission is restricted to those who have not studied German or have placed into this course by examination.
GER 131. Intensive Fundamental German. 2 Hours
Intensive development of fundamental communication and intercultural skills in reading, listening, writing, and speaking through extensive practice in language use. Admission restricted to those who have previous experience with the language and place into this course by examination. Credit granted for only ONE of the following: GER 101 or GER 131.
GER 141. Basic Proficiency in German II. 4 Hours
Further development of fundamental communication and intercultural skills in reading, listening, writing, and speaking through extensive practice in language use. Prerequisite(s): (GER 101 or GER 131) or placement by examination.
GER 170. Elementary Study Abroad. 3-6 Hours
Intensive study in a foreign country whose everyday language is German, learning the target language while immersed in the culture and civilization of the German-speaking country. Conducted in German. Available only during the summer session. Students can register for either one or two 3-credit classes offered by the host institution.
GER 201. Intermediate German I. 3 Hours
Systematic grammar review. Increased use of the language in written exercises and classroom discussions based on readings. Exposure to the development of German civilization and culture. Successful completion of this course includes the demonstration of the proficiency level required by the College of Arts and Sciences' Liberal Studies Curriculum. Prerequisite(s): GER 141.
GER 270. Intermediate Study Abroad. 3 Hours
Intensive study at the intermediate level in a foreign country whose everyday language is German, treating the culture and civilization of the country. Conducted in German. Available only during the summer session.
Prerequisite(s): GER 141 or equivalent.
GER 301. Communicating in German. 3 Hours
Enhancement of existing skills in the four areas of learning: speaking, listening, reading, writing. Intensive exposure to contemporary cultural content in Germany and the German-speaking world.
Prerequisite(s): GER 201 or equivalent.
GER 311. German Conversation I. 3 Hours
Practice to increase listening comprehension and fluency in speaking about topics from the personal and everyday to issues of current interest with focus on describing and narrating in paragraph-length structures. In-depth exploration of cultural commonalities and differences between the German-speaking countries and the United States. Focus on development of vocabulary and practice of expressions essential for oral communication. GER 311 and GER 312 may be taken in any order.
Prerequisite(s): GER 301.
GER 312. German Conversation II. 3 Hours
Practice to increase listening comprehension and fluency in speaking about topics from the personal and everyday to issues of current interest with focus on describing and narrating in paragraph-length structures. In-depth exploration of cultural commonalities and differences between the German-speaking countries and the United States. Focus on development of vocabulary and practice of expressions essential for oral communication. GER 311 and GER 312 may be taken in any order.
Prerequisite(s): GER 301.
GER 321. German Composition I. 3 Hours
Practice in personal and topical writing in German that seeks to develop the ability to write well-structured paragraphs. Systematic vocabulary building and grammatical refinement and review. Readings on key issues of the day and/or topics providing crucial insight into German and European thinking and concerns. May be taken in either sequence. Prerequisite(s): GER 311 or GER 312.
GER 322. German Composition II. 3 Hours
Practice in personal and topical writing in German that seeks to develop the ability to write well-structured paragraphs. Systematic vocabulary building and grammatical refinement and review. Readings on key issues of the day and/or topics providing crucial insight into German and European thinking and concerns. May be taken in either sequence. Prerequisite(s): GER 311 or GER 312.
GER 325. Commercial German. 3 Hours
Introduction to the business language, customs, and economic profile of the German-speaking countries. Vocabulary of the office and world of trade. Business correspondence. Germany's economic and cultural position and goals within the context of the European Union and the world. Course provides an introduction to working in an international business setting.
Prerequisite(s): GER 311 or GER 312 or equivalent.
GER 341. German Culture & Civilization. 3 Hours
Introduction to German culture and civilization with emphasis on the arts, intellectual developments, and life in various periods of German history. Conducted in German.
Prerequisite(s): GER 311 or GER 312.
GER 342. Germany and the New Europe. 3 Hours
Examination of developments in the life and culture, and the political, economic, and social realities in Germany from the end of WWI to the reunited country of today which is the largest member of EU. Course also explores the ideas and ideals on which the EU is founded, its present influence in the world, and how this new Europe differs from the United States of America. Conducted in German. Prerequisite(s): (GER 311 or 312) or equivalent.
GER 350. German Literature & Civilization. 3 Hours
Course to acquaint students with major German writers and literary movements. Conducted in English. Repeatable when subtitle and content change.
GER 351. German Film. 3 Hours
Introduction to the aesthetic and thematic richness of German film. Students will study the cinema of the Weimar Republic within its historical context and its appropriation by Hollywood. This course will also introduce cross-cultural films having to do with idenity, women, immigrant workers, asylum seekers, postcolonialization, nationalism, social theory, ideology, and political activism. Prerequisite(s): GER 311 or GER 312.
GER 361. Survey of German Literature I. 3 Hours
German literary works from 1750 to the present reflecting the philosophy, aesthetics, and concerns of the time. Skills development for reading literary and cultural texts and writing on analytic and interpretative topics. May be taken in either sequence.
Prerequisite(s): ((GER 311 or GER 312); (GER 321 or GER 322)) or equivalent.
GER 362. Survey of German Literature II. 3 Hours
German literary works from 1750 to the present reflecting the philosophy, aesthetics, and concerns of the time. Skills development for reading literary and cultural texts and writing on analytic and interpretative topics. May be taken in either sequence. Prerequisite(s): ((GER 311 or GER 312); (GER 321 or GER 322)) or equivalent.
GER 370. Study Abroad. 1-6 Hours
Intensive study in a foreign country whose everyday language is German, treating the culture and civilization of the country. Conducted in German. Available only during the summer session. Repeatable when subtitle and content change.
Prerequisite(s): GER 301.
GER 450. German Literature. 3 Hours
Lectures and discussions in German in such specialized areas as Medieval lyric, Romanticism, twentieth-century novel, modern drama, and individual authors. Repeatable when subtitle and content change.
Prerequisite(s): GER 311 or GER 312.
GER 469. German Linguistics. 3 Hours
Synchronic analysis of modern German language, including a contrast of the German sound system, morphology, and syntax with English structures; the historical derivation of German, the modern German dialects, and approaches to teaching German to English-speakers. Conducted in German.
Prerequisite(s): GER 311 or GER 312.
GER 477. Honors Thesis Project. 3 Hours
First of two courses leading to the selection, design, investigation, and completion of an independent, original Honors Thesis project under the guidance of a faculty research advisor. Restricted to students in the University Honors Program with permission of the program director and department chairperson. Students pursuing an interdisciplinary thesis topic may register for three semester hours each in two separate disciplines in consultation with the department chairpersons. Prerequisite(s): Approval of University Honors Program.
GER 478. Honors Thesis Project. 3 Hours
Second of two courses leading to the selection, design, investigation, and completion of an independent, original Honors Thesis project under the guidance of a faculty research advisor. Restricted to students in the University Honors Program with permission of the program director and department chairperson. Students pursuing an interdisciplinary thesis topic may register for three semester hours each in two separate disciplines in consultation with the department chairpersons. Prerequisite(s): Approved 477; approval of University Honors Program.
GER 480. Senior Capstone. 0 Hours
GERMAN SENIOR CAPSTONE. Project and presentation in the scholarship, activity and/or practice related to the major. Students will present their work in a forum appropriate to the major. Required of all senior majors who have German as their first major or are not completing a capstone in another major.
Prerequisites: SENIOR STANDING.
GER 491. Independent Study. 1-3 Hours
Independent research project under the guidance of an instructor. Admission to project and number of semester hours require approval of chairperson.
Prerequisite(s): GER 301; permission of instructor.