2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Teacher Education


EDT 109. Personal Aspects of Teaching. 1 Hour

This course is a candidate's general introduction to education as a profession, and to the University of Dayton. Candidates' personal values, goals, motives and strengths will be identified and reflected upon in relation to the qualities and dispositions necessary to be an effective teacher. This course serves as an introduction to the different program areas (AYA, MCE, ECE, IS and multi-age), to technology in education and to various educational issues. EDT 109 is waived for those candidates who transfer to the University.

EDT 110. The Profession of Teaching. 3 Hours

This course is designed to study the principal components of effective teaching that facilitate the learning of all students. Current educational issues, the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and other professional standards, developing a community of learners, service learning and teaching incorporating the Marianist traditions are other topics of the course. Field experience: 20 hours. Students must register for EDT 110 Lab. Prerequisites: GPA of 2,5 or higher; Majors only or permission of Dean's Office. Corequisites: EDT 110L.

EDT 110L. The Profession of Teaching Laboratory. 0 Hours

This 20 hour field experience is designed to accompany the EDT 110 course. Both the course and field experience are designed to study the principal components of effective teaching that facilitate the learning of all students. Students will explore and demonstrate knowledge of current educational issues, the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and other professional standards. Students will provide evidence of the development of professional dispositions and their understanding of the importance of developing a community of learners that respects and appreciates diversity. Students will use their lab experience as the basis for providing evidence of critical reflection on the teaching process as it relates to incorporating social justice and the Marianist characteristics of education. Prerequisites: GPA of 2,5 or higher; Majors only or permission of Dean's Office. Corequisites: EDT 110.

EDT 112. Advanced Aspects of Professional Education. 2 Hours

This course is designed to acclimate students to the university and deepen their knowledge base regarding the teaching profession and professional standards. Students taking this course should have previous educational experience through participation in state teacher academies or teacher preparation programs. Analysis of critical educational issues and correlating theoretical frameworks will be facilitated and examined through the usage of case studies, problem based learning and independent research. The educational topics covered will include: the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and other professional standards, the academic achievement gap, culturally responsive education, social-emotional learning, ethical and legal responsibilities of educators, school, home and community relationships and the Marianist Characteristics of education. Prerequisites: EDT 110, EDT 110L. Corequisites: Required permission from Dean's Office.

EDT 207. Child and Adolescent in Education. 3 Hours

Study of the empirical principles of childhood through adolescent development as related to performance in the classroom. Interpretations for appropriate generic teaching behaviors and developmental causes of behavior programs, are discussed. Field experience required. Prerequisites: EDT 110 and EDT 110L. Corequisites: EDT 207L.

EDT 207L. Child and Adolescent in Education Laboratory. 0 Hours

Study of the empirical principles of intellectual, moral, physical, personality, and social development as related to performance in the classroom. Interpretations for appropriate generic teaching behaviors and developmental causes of behavior problems, are discussed. Field experience required. Corequisites: EDT 207.

EDT 211. Child Development: Birth to Grade 5. 3 Hours

This course focuses on the study of typical physical, motor, social-emotional, and aesthetic development of children from preconception through grade 5. Assessment, risk factors, environmental design and guiding behavior are covered. Students will use this knowledge to reflect on and make decisions about practices that serve the need of children and their families. This course relies on field experience to be completed at the Bombeck Family Learning Center. Prerequisites: EDT 110 and EDT 110L. Corequisites: EDT 211L.

EDT 211L. Child Development: Birth to Grade 5 Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This practicum experience is one semester (3 hours a week) of a yearlong field experience held in conjunction with EDT 211 and EDT 212. Only students who have been accepted to the PK-5 Education program are eligible. During registration, students should sign up for a weekly time slot at the Bombeck Family Learning Center. All current requirements of ODJFS for Child Care staff members are required including a background check. Form are available at the Bombeck Family Learning Center website. Corequisites: EDT 211.

EDT 212. Childhood Theory and Practice. 3 Hours

This course is an introduction to the theory base that drives developmentally appropriate practice for working with children birth through 5th grade. It extends knowledge of how children develop and learn across all developmental domains. Teacher education students will learn the basic principles of planning and implementing developmentally appropriate curriculum and instruction based on knowledge of individual children, families and the community.

EDT 212L. Childhood Theory and Practice Laboratory. 0 Hours

This lab is offered in conjunction with the EDT 212 course which is an introduction to the theory base that drives developmentally appropriate practice for working with children birth through grade 5. It extends knowledge of how children develop and learn across all developmental domains. PK-5 education students will learn the basic principles of planning and implementing developmentally appropriate curriculum and instruction based on knowledge of individual children, families and the community.

EDT 222. Middle Childhood to Young Adult Development in a Diverse Society. 3 Hours

Examination of the development of the preadolescent and adolescent child within the United States context with an emphasis on socioeconomic diversity. Field experience EDT 222L: 20 hours. Prerequisites: EDT 110 & EDT 110L. Corequisites: EDT 222L.

EDT 222L. Middle Childhood to Young Adult Development in a Diverse Society Laboratory. 0 Hours

This lab course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates taking EDT 222 the opportunity for field observations, activities, and reflections related to middle childhood, young adolescent and young adult development in school settings. Corequisites: EDT 222.

EDT 303. School, Self and Society. 3 Hours

A study of the relationships among social change, institutional reform, and student socialization in various levels and types of schools. The students will make a comparison of schools around the world. One aim of such a study is to locate the differences that derive from differences in the cultures of the communities they serve. Another aim is to record how schools responded to forces of globalization and from internal forces of change.

EDT 305. Philosophy and History of American Education. 3 Hours

This course is the study of American philosophy of education in a historical framework. This course emphasizes the political analyses of educational issues in their historical context. Thematic issues from the Catholic/Marianist perspective are included among the topics studied.

EDT 306. History of Catholic K-12 Schools in the United States. 3 Hours

This course examines the Catholic K-12 educational experience in the United States with a particular emphasis on the impact that Catholic schools have had on the creation of Catholic culture in America and on American culture in general. Particular emphasis is placed upon those historical antecedents that directly or indirectly affect Catholic schools today. Prerequisite(s): EDT 110, EDT 110L, HST 103, PHL 103.

EDT 311. Curriculum and Instruction for Infants and Toddlers. 3 Hours

Students will explore the standards for the field of infant and toddler care and education and design curriculum and environments that reflect current research-based practice. Critical reflection on practice and team collaboration will be emphasized. Prerequisites: EDT 211 & EDT 212.

EDT 312. Infant and Toddler Practicum Seminar. 3 Hours

This guided practicum and seminar will provide an opportunity for candidates to develop and apply their knowledge of typical and atypical development from conception to age three as they observe young children in both structured and naturalistic settings. Developmental milestones as well as related risk factors will be emphasized.

EDT 313. Developmentally & Individually Appropriate Practice. 3 Hours

This course focuses on integrated curriculum and instructional practices for children from Preschool to Grade 5 in the following Ohio Early Learning and Development domains: social-emotional, approaches toward learning, physical well-being and motor, cognitive development and general knowledge, language and literacy. Students will expand their ability to use and explain developmentally appropriate methods that include child directed play, small group learning, and inquiry-based learning experiences to help children develop intellectual curiosity, solve problems, and become effective members of a learning community. Other course topics include: communication with families; home culture and diversity; child observation and documentation; guiding behaviors and integrated curriculum, with reference to the Ohio Learning Standards. Prerequisites: Junior Status. Corequisites: EDT 313L.

EDT 313L. Developmentally Appropriate Practices Lab. 0-1 Hours

FIELD-BASED EXPERIENCE: a minimum of 30 field hours (or as many as is needed to complete assignments) in a PK-5 grade classroom. Experiences will provide candidates with an opportunity to work with children and teachers in high need schools. Candidates will develop skills in implementing developmentally appropriate, assessment supported and standards based instruction. Candidates will design instruction and will work with a peer partner as part of an educational team. Corequisites: EDT 313.

EDT 314. Collaborative Assessment and Team Models. 3 Hours

This course provides an in depth study of transdisciplinary teaming and collaborative assessment models in the field of early childhood special education. Included will be the transdisciplinary and collaborative nature of assessment in the diagnosis, screening, and instruction of young children (birth to age 6) who are typically and atypically developing. Emphasis will be given to the role of the family in the assessment process. Systematic observation using a play-based approach will be emphasized.

EDT 315. Introduction to Learners with Moderate to Intense Disabilities. 3 Hours

This course is a study of learners with moderate to intense disabilities. This course presents issues of definition, identification and placement procedures along with inclusion practices, alternative therapy options, integration needs, medical challenges, interventions, and community support available for individuals with significant disabilities. There is not an identified lab but experiential learning will be embedded into the curriculum. Prerequisites: EDT 207.

EDT 316. Attachment, Nurturing, and Resilience and Challenging Behaviors in Infants and Toddlers. 3 Hours

Research is clear that respectful and responsive relationships and interactions are critical to brain development in young children. This course will focus on strategies that support the development of attachment between very young children and adults and nurturing behaviors that foster resilience.

EDT 317. Integrating the Arts in Curriculum. 2 Hours

This course will provide opportunities for Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5 majors to integrate the arts throughout the curriculum in meaningful ways. Music, dance, drama and visual arts will be used to represent what children know and are able to do as well as provide an opportunity to recognize and appreciate cultural difference in artistic expression. Candidates will create aesthetically pleasing newsletters and websites to communicate with families and to market their program. Corequisite: EDT 313.

EDT 318. Urban Teacher Academy-Junior Seminar. 0-1 Hours

This course is designed to deepen understanding of critical issues facing urban educators. Students will examine how the culture of poverty affects students, families and schools. Instructional and management strategies that encourage the learning and development of efficacy, risk-taking, socio-cultural awareness, contextual interpersonal skills and self-understanding are developed through integrated readings, discussions, field experience and presentations. Inherent in this deepening of understanding is the development of reflective thinking and writing and problem solving strategies.

EDT 321. Inclusive Classroom Environment for Middle Childhood. 3 Hours

This course is the study of the middle childhood student within the classroom environment. Theories of learning and practical applications, motivation, classroom management and discipline, lesson and unit planning, teaching methodologies and assessment are examined and practiced. Field experience: 20 hours. Prerequisites: EDT 222, EDT 222L OR EDT 207. Corequisites: EDT 321L.

EDT 321L. Inclusive Classroom Environment for Middle Childhood Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regards to learning theories and classroom management in middle level school settings. Corequisites: EDT 321.

EDT 322. Perspectives on Education and Social Justice. 3 Hours

This Inquiry course gives students a set of lenses to critically evaluate contemporary issues around schools and schooling from a social justice perspective. The course focuses on educational and social scientific research methodologies used for investigating educational inequalities.

EDT 323. Historical Literacy and Historical Thinking. 3 Hours

Exploration of the cognitive processes that constitute historical thinking and historical understanding with emphases on the development of historical literacy in the students themselves and strategies designed to increase historical literacy in secondary school students.

EDT 324. Education and World Religions. 3 Hours

An examination of how world religions approach education, how they educate adherents in the religion, and how they conceive of and teach virtues. The intersection of faith and culture, and the position of religion in contemporary American education are also addressed.

EDT 331L. Religion Methods Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course examines the planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials and assessment techniques used in teaching religion to students with varied needs and abilities.

EDT 336. The Culture of the Catholic School. 3 Hours

This course explores the theological, moral, academic, human and social components that give the Catholic school its distinctive culture. The role of spiritual, sacramental and communal relationships in the creation of Catholic school identity will be examined. Prerequisite(s): EDT 110, EDT 110L.

EDT 338. Teaching, Learning and Management. 3 Hours

This course provides a foundation in instructional planning, classroom assessment, and classroom management grounded in research-based knowledge of student learning and motivation. Students will engage in writing, teaching, and reflecting on the efficacy of lessons and assessments. Field experience. Corequisites: EDT 338L.

EDT 338L. Teaching, Learning and Management Laboratory. 0 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to learning theories in school settings.

EDT 340. Educating Diverse Student Populations in Inclusive Settings. 3 Hours

The study of the evidence based practice in multicultural education where teachers are knowledgeable about and respect diversity, including cultural and racial/ethnic origins, language, gender, sexual identity, religion, economic status and learning challenges associated with exceptionalities. Candidates will aspire to create democratic classrooms with a culturally relevant and inclusive curriculum, incorporating legal aspects and social justice perspectives associated with student learning. Candidates will gain knowledge in the importance of assessments, and ways to differentiate the curriculum to the individual learning needs of students in general classrooms, working in collaboration with other adults in the student’s life. Prerequisites: EDT 110. Corequisites: EDT 340L.

EDT 340L. Educating Diverse Student Populations in Inclusive Settings Laboratory. 0 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in relation to adapting learning experiences for diverse learners in school settings.

EDT 341. Language Development, English Language Learners and Emergent Literacy. 3 Hours

This course is the study of oral language and literacy development in children, with implications for all learners, including children with special needs and English Language Learners.

EDT 342. Behavior Management. 3 Hours

This course examines the principles and methods of observing, recording, measuring and managing human behavior with emphasis on students with disabilities.

EDT 343. Introduction to Education of Learners with Mild-Intense Learning Needs. 3 Hours

This course is a study of the role and function of the intervention specialist. This course presents issues of definition, identification and placement procedures. The candidate will acquire knowledge of major researchers and historians, variations in belief, traditions and values across cultures and current practices in the field. Prerequisites: EDT 207. Corequisites: EDT 343L.

EDT 343L. Introduction to Education of Learners with Mild- Intense Learning Needs Laboratory. 0 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in relation to the individual learning needs of students in school settings. Corequisites: EDT 343.

EDT 344. Collaboration with Families, Professionals and Agencies. 3 Hours

This course will explore the complex relationships that exist in home-school partnerships as well as strategies that increase family engagement. The role of families and parents in child rearing and discipline, the impact of culture in understanding how parents view and carry out these responsibilities and protective factors that contribute to child development and resilience in difficult situations will be addressed. The cycle of abuse and child abuse prevention will be discussed. Students will participate in a family-focused service-learning project in a neighborhood school center, urban Catholic school or social service agency.

EDT 350. Foundations of Literacy through Literature. 3 Hours

This course serves as an introductory course to the reading/language arts (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, visual representation) and the role literature plays in these processes. It is a foundation course in reading and is intended to align with the requirements of Ohio Reading Core licensure standards for the ECE, MCE, and IS programs. Topics examined include the foundations of literacy, research, theories and related models of reading, various children's and young adult literature, the integration of technology in literacy, an overview of the importance of on-going assessment in teaching reading/language arts and an awareness of cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity in individual learners. Prerequisites: Sophomore Status.

EDT 400. Independent Study. 1-12 Hours

This course is an in-depth study of a selected educational topic. The candidate develops an individual learning plan that includes objectives, schedule of readings and assignments, products and methods of assessment. Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chairperson.

EDT 401L. Pre-Kindergarten Special Needs Field Experience. 0-1 Hours

Intervention Specialist License, this practicum includes 50-hours of experience with preschool students with disabilities. The candidate is expected to document knowledge and understanding of preschool students with disabilities and environments conducive to student learning. Prerequisites: EDT 313.

EDT 402L. Field Experience for 4th and 5th Grade Endorsement. 0-1 Hours

For candidates seeking to add the 4th and 5th Grade Endorsement to the Early Childhood Education License, this practicum includes 50-hours of experience with 4th and 5th grade students. The candidate is expected to document knowledge and understanding of 4th and 5th grade students and environments conducive to student learning. Prerequisite(s): EDT 211.

EDT 403. Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Social Studies for Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5. 3 Hours

This course will explore resources and techniques available to provide all pre-kindergarten to Grade 5 students with a holistic, interdisciplinary understanding of social studies. Candidates will design lessons, activities, and assessments which link the state and national standards to contemporary events and children’s daily lives. Developmentally appropriate practices and inquiry based social studies curriculum design will be addressed. Prerequisites: EDT 110.

EDT 404. Current Innovations in Education. 3 Hours

This course is the study of current innovations in education. The course focuses on the examination and critical analysis of recent trends in curriculum and instructional and assessment strategies in P-12 schools.

EDT 405. Primary Field Internship K-5. 1 Hour

This field experience, in the first semester of the senior level internship, provides the candidate the opportunity for practice and reflection in K-5 settings.

EDT 406. Special Topics in Teaching. 1-4 Hours

This course is the study of specialized areas of education not typically included in the professional education sequence. Topics are announced.

EDT 408. Instructional Strategies: Moderate/Intense. 3 Hours

This course examines the strategies, materials, and evaluation techniques for teaching students with moderate/intense disabilities. Field experience required.

EDT 409. Mathematics for 4th and 5th Grades. 3 Hours

Planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching mathematics to students in grades four and five with varied needs and abilities using a tier method. Topics include: Ohio Academic Content Standards, applications and instructional techniques that address proficiency testing, resources, technologies, manipulatives, interdisciplinary connections, grouping techniques, current research and 21st century skills. Prerequisite(s): MTH 204, MTH 205.

EDT 410. Science for 4th and 5th Grades. 3 Hours

Planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching science to students in grades four and five with varied needs and abilities using a tier method. Topics include: Ohio Academic Content Standards, applications and instructional techniques that address proficiency testing, resources, technologies, manipulatives, interdisciplinary connections, grouping techniques, current research and 21st century skills.

EDT 411. Social Studies for 4th and 5th Grades. 3 Hours

Course designed to address social studies content including social aspects of learning and pedagogy specific to fourth and fifth grades.

EDT 412. Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Mathematics for Early Childhood. 3 Hours

This course will extend the candidate's knowledge of how children, ages six through eight, develop and learn in order to provide opportunities that support the physical, social, emotional, language, cognitive and aesthetic development of all young children. Students will learn to use knowledge of how young children differ in their development and approaches to learning mathematics in order to provide individually appropriate opportunities for learning the subject. The course will emphasize teaching in the content of mathematics and will focus on the Ohio Mathematics academic content standards and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards. Field experience is integrated with the primary block. This course is part of the first semester senior year internship and culminates in the second semester of student teaching.

EDT 413. Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Social Studies for Early Childhood. 2 Hours

Students will learn to use knowledge of how young children, ages six through eight, differ in their development and approaches to learning social studies in order to provide individually appropriate opportunities for learning the subject. The course will emphasize teaching in the content of social studies and will focus on the Ohio Social Studies academic content standards and the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) standards. Field experience is integrated with the primary block. This course is part of the first semester senior year internship and culminates in second semester student teaching.

EDT 414. Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Science for Early Childhood. 3 Hours

This course will explore resources and techniques available to provide all early childhood students with a holistic, interdisciplinary understanding of science. Candidates will design lessons, activities and assessments which link the national standards, state model, and international goals to contemporary events and children's daily lives. Field experience is integrated with the primary block. Developmentally appropriate practices, science processes, inquiry, problem-solving and safety issues will be addressed.

EDT 415. Working with Young Learners with Mild to Moderate Disabilities. 2-3 Hours

This course is the study of the role and function of the early childhood educator in working with learners with mild to moderate disabilities. The course presents issues of definition, identification and placement procedures. The candidate will acquire knowledge of major researchers and historians, variations in belief, traditions and values across cultures, and current practices in the field.

EDT 415L. Primary (K-3) Field Internship. 0-1 Hours

This ECE field experience is the first semester of the senior level internship, which provides the candidate the opportunity for practice and reflection in K-3 settings.

EDT 416. Early Childhood Education Capstone Seminar. 3 Hours

This Capstone seminar focuses on the scholarship and practical wisdom needed for mastery of instructional planning, incorporation of developmental appropriate strategies, along with assessment and evaluation techniques where student learning is the focus for teaching all students in early childhood classrooms. The vocational tools of research and theories of learning, unit planning, teaching methodologies and assessment are practiced and mastered through the completion of a national teacher performance assessment. Field experience: Full time clinical experience in a early childhood classroom for 15 weeks.

EDT 417. Theatre in Education. 3 Hours

Theories and practices of educational drama and theatre as applied to content areas in the early, middle and secondary classroom. Attention given to the relationship of creative drama and applied theatre practices to speaking, thinking, writing, reading, history and other curricular subjects. Co-curricular and experiential immersion required.

EDT 418. Urban Teacher Academy- Senior Seminar. 0-1 Hours

This course is designed to deepen understanding of critical issues facing urban educators. Students will examine how the culture of poverty affects students, families and schools. Instructional and management strategies that encourage the learning and development of efficacy, risk-taking, socio-cultural awareness, contextual interpersonal skills and self-understanding are developed through integrated readings, discussions, field experience and presentations. Inherent in this deepening of understanding is the development of reflective thinking and writing and problem solving strategies.

EDT 419. Kindergarten-Primary Curriculum and Instruction. 3 Hours

This course focuses on planning, assessment, instructional methods, materials and evaluation techniques for teaching children in kindergarten and primary grades. Integrated curriculum and the Ohio Early Learning/Academic Content Standards in mathematics and science will be emphasized. Corequisites: EDT 419L.

EDT 419L. Kindergarten-Primary Curriculum and Instruction Laboratory. 0 Hours

This 20 contact hour course in a kindergarten or primary grades classroom supports the material covered in EDT 419. Corequisites: EDT 419.

EDT 423. Middle Childhood/Middle Childhood Intervention Specialist Capstone Seminar. 3 Hours

This capstone seminar focuses on the scholarship and practical wisdom needed for mastery of instructional planning, incorporation of developmental appropriate strategies, along with assessment and evaluation techniques where student learning is the focus for teaching all students in the middle level classrooms. The vocational tools of research and theories of learning, unit planning, teaching methodologies and assessment are practiced and mastered through the completion of a teacher performance assessment. Field experience: Full time clinical experience in a middle level classroom for 15 weeks.

EDT 425. Middle School Principles and Practices. 3 Hours

This course is primarily a study of organization (school structure), philosophy and curriculum of middle level education (9-14 year olds), grades 4-9. It is designed to present the theoretical knowledge base about middle level (school) education. Issues and concerns, current trends and the essential elements relating to middle level education will be discussed throughout the semester of study. A variety of inquiry methods will be modeled that encourage critical thinking skills. Prerequisites: EDT 321. Corequisites: EDT 425L.

EDT 425L. Middle School Principles and Practices Laboratory. 0 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regards to the study of organization (school structure), philosophy and curriculum of middle level education (ages nine to 14), grades four to nine. It is designed to support the course study of the theoretical knowledge base about middle level (school) education. Issues and concerns, current trends and the essential elements relating to middle level education will be observed and studied throughout the semester. Corequisites: EDT 425.

EDT 426. Reading/Language Arts for Middle Childhood. 3 Hours

This course focuses on the planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching reading/language arts to students in the middle schools with varied needs and abilities. The topics emphasized in this course include: an understanding of Ohio's academic content standards for grades 4-9, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio proficiency tests, various resources, technologies, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques and current research.

EDT 427. Mathematics for Middle Childhood. 3 Hours

This course focuses on the planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching mathematics to students in the middle schools with varied needs and abilities. The topics emphasized in this course include: an understanding of Ohio's academic content standards for grades four to nine, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement tests, various resources, technologies, manipulatives, and other visuals, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques and current research.

EDT 428. Science for Middle Childhood. 3 Hours

This course focuses on the planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching science to students in the middle schools with varied needs and abilities. The topics emphasized in this course include: an understanding of Ohio's academic content standards for grades four to nine, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement tests, various resources, technologies, experiments, and other hands-on experiences, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques and current research.

EDT 429. Social Studies for Middle Childhood. 3 Hours

This course focuses on the planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching social studies to students in the middle schools with varied needs and abilities. The topics emphasized in this course include: an understanding of Ohio's academic content standards for grades four to nine, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement tests, various resources, technologies and active hands-on experiences, other visuals, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques and current research.

EDT 431. Integrated Language Arts Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult. 3 Hours

This course focuses on planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching all levels of integrated language arts to students in grades seven to 12 with varied needs and abilities. Topics include: understanding Ohio's academic content standards for grades seven to 12, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement and competency tests, various resources, technologies, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques, best practices and current research. Corequisites: EDT 431L.

EDT 431L. Integrated Language Arts Methods AYA (7-12) Field Internship. 1 Hour

This AYA field experience is the first semester of the senior level internship, providing the candidate with practice and reflection in the integrated language arts in an AYA setting. Corequisites: EDT 431.

EDT 432. Integrated Mathematics Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult. 3 Hours

This course focuses on planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching all levels of mathematics to students in grades seven to 12 with varied needs and abilities. Topics include: understanding Ohio's new academic learning standards for grades seven to 12, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement and competency tests, various resources, technologies, manipulatives, and other visuals, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques, best practices and current research.

EDT 432L. Integrated Mathematics Methods AYA (7-12) Field Internship. 1 Hour

This AYA field experience is the first semester of the senior level internship, providing the candidate with practice and reflection in a mathematics AYA setting. Corequisites: EDT 432.

EDT 433. World Languages. 3 Hours

This course focuses on planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching all levels of foreign language to students in grades seven to 12 with varied needs and abilities. Topics include: understanding Ohio's academic content standards for grades seven to 12, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement and competency tests, various resources, technologies, hands-on activities and other visuals, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques, best practices and current research. Corequisites: EDT 433L.

EDT 433L. World Languages Field Internship. 1 Hour

This AYA field experience is the first semester of the senior level internship, which provides the candidate with practice and reflection in a foreign language AYA setting. Corequisites: EDT 433.

EDT 434. Science Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult. 3 Hours

This course focuses on planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching all levels of science to students in grades seven to 12 with varied needs and abilities. Topics include: understanding Ohio's academic content standards for grades seven to 12, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement and competency tests, various resources, technologies, hands-on activities, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques, best practices and current research. Corequisites: EDT 434L.

EDT 434L. Science Methods for AYA (7-12) Field Internship. 1 Hour

This AYA field experience is the first semester of the senior level internship, which provides the candidate with practice and reflection in a science AYA setting. Corequisites: EDT 434.

EDT 435. Integrated Social Studies Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult. 3 Hours

This course focuses on planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching all levels of integrated social studies to students in grades seven to 12 with varied needs and abilities. Topics include: understanding Ohio's academic content standards for grades seven to 12, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement and competency tests, various resources, technologies, hands-on activities, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques, best practices and current research. Corequisites: EDT 435L.

EDT 435L. Integrated Social Studies Methods for AYA (7-12) Field Internship. 1 Hour

This AYA field experience is the first semester of the senior level internship, which provides the candidate with practice and reflection in a social studies AYA setting. Corequisites: EDT 435.

EDT 436. Adolescent to Young Adult Capstone Seminar. 3 Hours

This capstone seminar focuses on vocation, scholarship, and practical wisdom needed for mastery of instructional planning, incorporation of developmental appropriate strategies, along with data-driven assessment and evaluation techniques and content area pedagogy. The vocational tools of research and theories of learning, unit planning, teaching methodologies and assessment are practiced and mastered through the completion of a teacher performance assessment. Field experience: Full time Clinical Experience in an Adolescent to Young Adult classroom.

EDT 437. Second Language Learning and Teaching. 3 Hours

This course provides opportunities to explore the nature of language proficiency, second language acquisition, second language literacy, bilingualism and biliteracy, the role of culture in language learning and implications for second language teaching.

EDT 438. TESOL Practicum. 3 Hours

This course provides opportunities to practice planning, instruction and assessment in an ESOL classroom under the mentorship of an experienced ESOL teacher. Prerequisites: EDT 437.

EDT 439. EAS Capstone. 3 Hours

The Education and Allied Studies capstone is a project that concludes with a presentation in the scholarship, activity and/or practice related to the major. Students will present their work in a forum appropriate to the major. Prerequisite(s): Senior status.

EDT 441. Adapting Content Standards for Students with Special Needs. 3 Hours

This course focuses on the planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques used by intervention specialists in inclusive and more restrictive settings to address K-12 content area standards. The topics emphasized include an understanding of how to align Ohio's academic content standards with applications and instructional techniques that ensure the achievement of special education students in the general education curriculum. The course examines the role of the intervention specialist in collaboration with general educators in making appropriate accommodations and modifications. Corequisites: EDT 425, EDT 441L.

EDT 441L. Adapting Content Standards for Students with Special Needs Laboratory. 0 Hours

This lab focuses on the planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques used by intervention specialists in inclusive and more restrictive settings to address K-12 content area standards. IS students will work with licensed educators to develop an understanding of how to align Ohio's academic content standards with applications and instructional techniques that ensure the achievement of special education students in the general education curriculum. The course emphasizes the role of the intervention specialist in collaboration with general educators in making appropriate accommodations and modifications. Corequisites: EDT 441.

EDT 442. Assessment. 3 Hours

This course is the study of the multidisciplinary use of assessment instruments and techniques in the diagnosis, planning and evaluation of the learner with special needs and the development of individual education programs.

EDT 442L. Intervention Specialist: Assessment Field Internship. 0-1 Hours

This field experience is the first semester of the senior level internship, providing the candidate with practice and reflection in mild-moderate/moderate-intense intervention specialist settings. Corequisites: EDT 442.

EDT 443. Curriculum. 2-3 Hours

This course is the study of curriculum development considering the motor, cognitive, academic, social, language, affective, functional, life skills and individual programming of students with mild-intense disabilities. Field experience required.

EDT 444. Instructional Strategies: Mild/Moderate. 3 Hours

This course examines the strategies, materials and evaluation techniques for teaching students with mild/moderate learning problems. Field experience required.

EDT 445. Application of Computers/Technology in Special Education. 2 Hours

This course is the study of basic computer applications in special education, including instructional programs, software evaluation, telecommunications, multimedia and hypermedia, assistive technology, augmentative devices, resources and legal/ethical issues.

EDT 448. Introduction to Linguistics. 3 Hours

Survey of the various aspects of a scientific description of human language: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Interdisciplinary exploration of the reciprocal impact of linguistics on psychology, sociology, and language acquisition theory.

EDT 450. Phonics, Spelling and Vocabulary. 3 Hours

This course provides the background knowledge necessary for effectively teaching and assessing the role of phonics in the reading process. Emphases are on developing phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling and word recognition/word meaning embedded in the context of a total reading/language arts program focused on meaning construction.

EDT 452. Digital Literacies, ELL and Content Reading Strategies. 3 Hours

In this course, MCE candidates examine the strategies and techniques in the development of prior knowledge skills, study skills, vocabulary, technology and assessment as they relate to critical reading abilities in a variety of curriculum areas.

EDT 452L. Digital Literacies, ELL and Content Reading Strategies Lab. 0 Hours

In this course lab, MCE candidates examine the strategies and techniques in the development of prior knowledge skills, study skills, vocabulary, technology and assessment as they relate to critical reading abilities in a variety of curriculum areas in middle level school settings. Corequisites: EDT 452.

EDT 453. Introduction to Literacy for Early Childhood. 3 Hours

Study of appropriate instruction and assessment supporting the literacy development of young children. Major emphasis is on developing the knowledge base related to a comprehensive framework for literacy instruction, including reading, writing and content area literacy, with a focus on instruction supporting emerging and early readers and writers.

EDT 454. Methods of Literacy for Early Childhood. 3 Hours

The continued study of appropriate instruction and assessment supporting the literacy development of young children, with a focus on instruction supporting developing and transitional readers and writers. Major emphases are on the classroom application of the principles of comprehensive literacy instruction and assessment, including the writing process and comprehension strategies across the content areas.

EDT 455. Reading, Writing, and Assessment in the Content Areas K-12. 3 Hours

Study of appropriate instruction and assessment supporting the literacy development of children K-12. Major emphasis is on developing the knowledge base related to a comprehensive framework for literacy instruction, including reading, writing, and content area literacy, with a focus on instruction supporting struggling readers and writers across the grade levels. Prerequisites: EDT 350.

EDT 456. Introduction to Literacy for Grades PK-5. 3 Hours

Study of appropriate instruction and assessment supporting the literacy development of children grades PK-5. Major emphasis is on developing the knowledge base related to a comprehensive framework for literacy instruction, including reading, writing and content area literacy, with a focus on instruction supporting emerging and early readers and writers.

EDT 457. Methods of Literacy for Grades PK-5. 3 Hours

The continued study of appropriate instruction and assessment supporting the literacy development of children grades PK-5, with a focus on instruction supporting developing and transitional readers and writers. Major emphases are on the classroom application of the principles of comprehensive literacy instruction and assessment, including the writing process and comprehension strategies across the content areas.

EDT 458. Reading, Writing and Assessment - Middle Childhood. 3 Hours

An integrated language arts course focusing on the knowledge base underpinning the teaching of reading and related language arts processes within the language arts and across the curriculum to students of various ages, needs and abilities. Topics include planning, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques. Prerequisite(s): EDT 350.

EDT 458L. Middle Level (4-9) Field Internship. 1-2 Hours

This MCE field experience is the first semester of the senior level internship, which provides the candidate with practice and reflection in middle level school settings.

EDT 459. Critical Reading and Writing in the Content Area. 3 Hours

This class focuses on the teaching of reading and writing in the AYA and multi-age content area that includes instruction in organizing instruction, use of protocols for oral language development, strategies for word skill development, strategies for reading comprehension and assessment strategies for instructional purposes for the multi-age and AYA licenses. Prerequisite(s): EDT 338 and EDT 338L.

EDT 460. Early Childhood Program and Personnel Management. 3 Hours

This course is the first in the early childhood leadership program. Students will explore program and personnel management and human relations in early care and education.

EDT 460L. Early Childhood Program and Personnel Management Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in relation to program and personnel management and human relations in early care and education.

EDT 461. Supporting Quality Curriculum and Instruction in Early Care and Education. 3 Hours

This course provides opportunities for students to use research to identify and support quality early childhood curriculum, instruction and assessment.

EDT 461L. Supporting Quality Curriculum and Instruction in Early Care and Education Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in relation to using research to identify and support quality early childhood curriculum, instruction and assessment.

EDT 462. Regulations, Licensing and the Law in Early Care and Education. 3 Hours

This course addresses ethics in early care and education as well as issues related to health, safety and nutrition regulations including first aid, communicable disease, safety policies and practices. Reporting and recognizing child abuse is addressed. Students will learn to respond to regulations, licensing and laws that impact programs for young children.

EDT 462L. Regulations, Licensing and the Law in Early Care and Education Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in relation to regulations, licensing and laws that impact programs for young children.

EDT 463. Managing Finances and Marketing in Early Care and Education. 3 Hours

Students will explore strategies for managing finances and developing marketing plans in the field of early care and education. Corequisites: EDT 463L.

EDT 463L. Managing Finances and Marketing in Early Care and Education Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course supports students in EDT 463 as they explore managing finances and developing marketing plans in the field of early care and education. Corequisites: EDT 463.

EDT 464. Advocacy in Early Care and Education. 3 Hours

This course explores current political, educational and societal issues related to early care and education and examines how teachers develop leadership skills to become better advocates for children, families, and the profession.

EDT 465. Internship and Practicum in Early Childhood Administration. 3 Hours

This internship serves as the culminating experience where students demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions addressed in the four proceeding early childhood leadership courses. Students complete a six week full time internship working with/as an early childhood director or administrator.

EDT 466. TESOL Methods for Teaching English Language Learners. 3 Hours

Introduction to key concepts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Theoretical perspectives on second language (ESL) and literacy instruction will be interwoven with practical techniques for classroom instruction. Students will investigate approaches to teaching the four skills of English (reading, writing, listening, speaking) across varying contexts and proficiency levels. Prerequisite(s): ENG 200 or ENG 200H or ASI 120; and junior or senior standing or permission of department chairperson.

EDT 467. Advanced Phonics and Multisensory Instruction. 3 Hours

This is the first course of a two-course practicum sequence for the dyslexia methods certificate. This course will cover the specific nature of dyslexia as a language-based learning disability, multisensory instruction, advanced phonics, spelling, vocabulary and lesson planning for tutoring. Prerequisites: EDT 450.

EDT 470. Early Childhood Special Education Internship. 5-12 Hours

Supervised and evaluated teaching in a primary special education setting. Candidates are to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions needed to comply with THE Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession (OSTP) and the Division for Early Childhood of the Council of Exceptional Children (DEC/CEC) guidelines for appropriate practice that are specific to primary age children with special needs. Field experience required. Prerequisite(s): EDT 314, 315, 342, 445.

EDT 471. Student Teaching- Foreign Languages P-12. 12 Hours

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching of foreign languages in P-12 classes. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of a beginning foreign language teacher. Attendance at weekly seminars is required.

EDT 472. Internship in Early Childhood Special Education. 5-12 Hours

Supervised and evaluated teaching in an early childhood special education setting (age 3 to grade 5). Candidates are to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions needed to comply with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the Division for Early Childhood of the Council of Exceptional Children (DEC) guidelines for appropriate practice that are specific to prekindergarten to 5th grade age children with special needs. Field experience required.

EDT 473. Student Teaching in Primary Grades. 10-12 Hours

The student teaching experience is a full-time, evaluated experience in a primary setting. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of a beginning primary grades teacher.

EDT 474. Student Teaching- Middle Childhood. 9-12 Hours

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching in grades four through nine in at least one of the two candidate's concentration subjects. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of a beginning middle level teacher. Attendance at weekly seminars is required.

EDT 475. Student Teaching-Adolescence to Young Adult. 12 Hours

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching in the content area in a junior or senior high school classroom. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of a beginning secondary teacher. Attendance at weekly seminars is required.

EDT 476. Student Teaching- Intervention Specialist. 1-12 Hours

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching with students demonstrating mild-moderate/moderate-intense learning needs. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions of a beginning IS teacher. Attendance at seminars is required. Formal admission to student teaching a full semester in advance.

EDT 477. Student Teaching- Art P-12. 12 Hours

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching in art classes in schools (P-12). The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of a beginning art teacher. Attendance at a weekly seminar is required.

EDT 478. Student Teaching In Grades PK-5. 10-12 Hours

The student teaching experience is a full-time, evaluated experience in a Pre-Kindergarten through grade 5 setting. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of a beginning PK-5 teacher.

EDT 479. Student Teaching- Music P-12. 12 Hours

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching in music classes in schools (P-12). The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of a beginning music teacher. Attendance at a weekly seminar is required.

EDT 480. Community Involvement and Transition Readiness. 3 Hours

This course examines community supports, transition services and resources available to adolescents and adults with moderate to intense disabilities. It addresses areas such as post secondary, career and/or occupational training, as well as independent living skills, social/emotional learning (SEL) and self-advocacy. Field work required.

EDT 481. Adolescence to Young Adult Assessment. 3 Hours

Student performance assessment is one of the most challenging tasks teachers must create. To do so effectively, teachers must know their state standards, learning goals, and lesson objectives and how they can be measured. The course objectives are aimed at using assessment tools to improve student learning and how the teacher can frame instruction to meet the needs of a diverse group of students. The course will introduce how to analyze data results and communicate assessment results to students, parents, and the school. These objectives will be met by readings, activities, assignments, discussions, lectures, and demonstrations. Prerequisites: EDT 338 and EDT 338L.

EDT 482. Dyslexia Methods Practicum. 3 Hours

This is the second course of a two-course practicum sequence for the dyslexia methods certificate. This course will take place in a local school and will involve one-to-one, supervised tutoring of a student with reading difficulties using a multisensory instructional approach.

EDT 483. Grades PK-5 Education Capstone Seminar. 3 Hours

The capstone seminar focuses on scholarship, vocations, and practical wisdom needed for mastery of instructional planning, incorporation of developmentally appropriate strategies, along with assessment and evaluation techniques in the context of teaching in PreK-5 classrooms. The vocational tools of research and theories of learning, unit planning, teaching methodologies and assessment are practiced and mastered through the completion of a teacher performance assessment. Field experience: Full-time clinical experience in a PK-5 classroom for 15 weeks. Prerequisite(s): Successful Completion of EPC Methods Block.

EDT 484. Intervention Specialist Capstone Seminar. 0-3 Hours

This capstone focuses on the scholarship and practical wisdom needed for mastery of instructional planning, incorporation of developmentally appropriate strategies, along with assessment and evaluation techniques where student learning is the focus for teaching students with disabilities in both general education and special education K-12 settings. The vocational tools of research and theories of learning, unit planning, teaching methodologies and assessment are practiced and mastered through the completion of a teacher performance assessment. Field experience: Full time clinical experience in a K-12 setting under the supervision of university and K-12 faculty. Prerequisites: EDT 442, EDT 442L, EDT 443.

EDT 486. Comparative Study-Public Education. 3 Hours

This course is designed to study the background and development of education as compared to educational systems in other countries. The organizing themes are how social, political and cultural foundations shape schools. Comparisons across countries and cultures will provide a context to understand how educational practices are shaped by culture.

EDT 489. AYA Math Content for Teaching. 3 Hours

This course focuses on mathematical content needed to successfully teach mathematics in grades 7-12. Topics include: Ohio's academic content standards for grades 7-12, Mathematical Modeling, Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Various resources, technologies, manipulatives, and other visuals, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques, best practices, and current research will be discussed. Prerequisites: MTH 310 or MTH 361.

EDT 498. Honors Thesis. 3 Hours

This course is based on the selection, design, investigation, and completion of an independent, original research thesis under the guidance of a faculty research director. Restricted to juniors in the University Honors or Berry Scholars Programs with permission of the program director and EDT chairperson. Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chairperson and program director.

EDT 499. Honor Thesis. 3 Hours

This course is based on the selection, design, investigation, and completion of an independent, original research thesis under the guidance of a faculty research director. Restricted to seniors in the University Honors or Berry Scholars Programs with permission of the program director and EDT chairperson.

EDT 500. Becoming a Master Educator. 3 Hours

This course empowers educators to adapt the most effective planning, instructional, and assessment practices to their unique context to improve student achievement. It will explore what educators can do to take intentional steps toward enhanced professional practice.

EDT 501. Introduction to American Education. 3 Hours

This course is designed for individuals who are new to the American educational system and will include site visits to a variety of educational settings including public and private schools serving students in grades P-12. Students will visit schools, and discuss American education policies, practices and the impact of reform efforts with educators and administrators. Prerequisite(s): Intensive English Program level 5 or equivalent TOEFL score.

EDT 502. Philosophical Studies in Education. 3 Hours

This course is a study of the writings of major philosophers as they relate to education (including those in the Marianist tradition). Interpretations are made for the development of a critical, personal theory of teaching, counseling, educational administration and psychological services.

EDT 503. History of Education in the United States. 3 Hours

This course is a study of the relationship of schools and social change in the United States from Colonial times to the present. Interpretations of changes in educational policies for the development of a critical theory of education are discussed.

EDT 504. Scholarly Study in Education. 3 Hours

This course provides students with the background knowledge, understanding and practice to complete graduate level study in education. The course will focus on academic planning, information literacy, scholarly writing, collaboration and independent writing, source analysis and argument construction.

EDT 505. School, Self and Society. 3 Hours

A study of the relationships among institutional reform, personality development and social change in various levels and types of education such as ECE, MCE and AYA. The students will make a comparison of schools around the world. One aim of such a study is to locate the differences that derive from differences in the cultures of the communities they serve. Another aim is to record how schools have changed from forces of globalization. A third aim is to determine the causes and the effects of the changes.

EDT 506. History of Catholic K-12 Schools in the United States. 3 Hours

This course examines the Catholic K-12 educational experience in the United States with a particular emphasis on the impact that Catholic schools have had on the creation of Catholic culture in America and on American culture in general. Particular emphasis is placed upon those historical antecedents that directly or indirectly affect Catholic schools today.

EDT 507. The Profession of Teaching. 3 Hours

This course is designed to study the principal components of effective teaching that facilitate the learning of all students. Students will explore and demonstrate knowledge of current educational issues, the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and other professional standards. Students will provide evidence of the development of professional dispositions and their understanding of the importance of developing a community of learners that respects and appreciates diversity. Students will provide evidence of critical reflection on the teaching process as it relates to incorporating social justice and the Marianist characteristics of education. The field experience will be embedded in the course. This will involve 20 hours in the field connecting theory to practice.

EDT 507L. The Profession of Teaching Laboratory. 0 Hours

This 20 hour field experience is designed to accompany the EDT 507 course. Both the course and field experience are designed to study the principal components of effective teaching that facilitate the learning of all students. Students will explore and demonstrate knowledge of current educational issues, the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and other professional standards. Students will provide evidence of the development of professional dispositions and their understanding of the importance of developing a community of learners that respects and appreciates diversity. Students will use their lab experience as the basis for providing evidence of critical reflection on the teaching process as it relates to incorporating social justice and the Marianist characteristics of education into their understanding about the profession.

EDT 508. Theories of Learning and Human Development. 3 Hours

This course is a study of theories of learning and human development (physical, social, emotional, intellectual and moral) as they relate to P-12 practices, including ECE, MCE and AYA licensure areas.

EDT 509. Instruction, Management and Assessment. 3 Hours

This course is a study of curriculum, instruction, management styles and assessment techniques that promote student learning and achievement. Emphasis is on classroom-based theory-to-practice connections. This course is primarily intended for initial licensure candidates. Prerequisite(s): EDT 507, EDT 507L, EDT 508; a passing score on the Ohio Assessment for Educators (or the Oral Proficiency Interview and Writing Proficiency Test for foreign language) specialty area exam(s).

EDT 509L. Instruction, Management and Assessment Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to instruction, management and assessment in school settings.

EDT 510. Introduction to Transdisciplinary Early Childhood Education. 3 Hours

An introduction to the theory base that drives developmentally appropriate practice recommended for working with young children birth through age eight and their families. This course introduces the models of instruction associated with early childhood and early childhood special education.

EDT 510L. Introduction to Transdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course is designed for international students who are new to American culture and educational practice. Students will develop field related vocabulary while exploring schools and centers in the Miami Valley and processing what they see. Corequisite(s): EDT 510.

EDT 511. STEAM Curriculum for Young Children. 2 Hours

This course introduces and develops the theoretical and practical bases for the creation of STEAM curriculum for infants, toddlers and preschoolers using a play-based approach. The content areas of mathematics and science provide opportunities for Reggio style documentation, and the Ohio Early Learning Academic Content Standards are emphasized.

EDT 512. Summer Play Institute. 2 Hours

The Summer Play Institute is a field-based forum in which candidates implement the integrated curriculum activities developed in EDT 511. Candidates will engage in child-initiated play sessions that will be videotaped and reviewed by members of the cohort and the instructor. Supported play which facilitates development will be emphasized.

EDT 513. Developmentally and Individually Appropriate Practice. 3 Hours

The course shifts focus from the age-appropriate practice to the needs of the individual child and family. Candidates will learn to develop practice that supports and facilitates the development of young children ages birth to eight specifically those with disabilities. Significant review of related research drives this course. Field experience required.

EDT 514. Curriculum and Instruction for Infants and Toddlers. 3 Hours

Students will explore the standards for the field of infant and toddler care and education and design curriculum and environments that reflect current research-based practice. Critical reflection on practice and team collaboration will be emphasized.

EDT 515. Infant and Toddler Development Practicum. 3 Hours

This guided practicum will provide an opportunity for candidates to develop and apply their knowledge of typical and atypical development from conception to age three as they observe young children in both structured and naturalistic settings. Developmental milestones as well as related risk factors will be emphasized. Field experience required. Prerequisite(s): EDT 510.

EDT 516. Collaborative Assessment Birth to Age Eight. 3 Hours

This course is the study of the transdisciplinary and collaborative nature of assessment in diagnosis, screening and instruction of young children, ages birth to eight, that are typically developing as well as those with disabilities. The course will focus on the role of the family in the assessment process. Systemic observation using a play-based approach will be emphasized.

EDT 517. Early Childhood Seminar on Medical and Health Issues. 3 Hours

This course is the study of the health care and medical needs associated with young children with disabilities. Students engage in the study of how medical/physical conditions affect the cognitive, social/emotional, language, motor and adaptive development of a child and family. Collaboration between educational and medical professionals is stressed, in an effort to integrate services for young children.

EDT 518. Integrated Curriculum and Instruction for Kindergarten-Primary Grades. 3 Hours

This course will focus on integrating curriculum and instruction for kindergarten and the primary grades. Special attention will be paid to the Ohio academic content standards with emphases on science, social studies and mathematics instruction. Planning, instructional methods, materials and evaluation techniques for teaching children on the kindergarten to primary levels will be covered.

EDT 518L. Integrated Curriculum and Instruction for Kindergarten-Primary Grades Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to integrated planning, instruction and assessment in elementary school settings.

EDT 519. Primary Social Studies Methods P-5. 3 Hours

A course designed to address social studies content including social aspects of learning, and pedagogy specific to Pre-K to Grade 5.

EDT 520. Introduction to Education of Learners with Autism and Related Disorders. 3 Hours

This course is a study of the role and function of the Intervention Specialist and general education teacher in providing services to students with autism and related disorders. This course presents issues of definition, identification and placement procedures, ethical standards, and assessment techniques. The candidate will also acquire knowledge of major researchers and history, variations in belief, traditions and values across cultures, and current practices in the field.

EDT 521. Interventions and Functional Curriculum for Learners with Autism and Related Disorders. 3 Hours

This course is a study of the role and function of the Intervention Specialist and general education teacher in providing services in the general education classroom setting to students with autism and related disorders. This course assists educators in developing strategies and techniques to make inclusion successful for students with higher function autism spectrum disorders. This course also examines the use of functional curriculum in relation to individuals with autism and life beyond the classroom and school setting.

EDT 522. Developing Behavioral, Social, and Communication Skills for Autism and Related Disorders. 3 Hours

This course is a study of the role and function of the Intervention Specialist and general education teacher in providing services to students with autism and related disorders. This course presents issues of behavior management, behavioral functions in relation to communication, and communication foundations in assisting students with autism and related disorders. The candidate will also acquire knowledge of major behavioral interventions, use of behavioral techniques and interventions across a wide spectrum of abilities and needs, communication for varied functioning students, and current practices in the field. This course also explores social skills deficits and interventions to address the social world, in school and beyond, for students with autism and related disorders.

EDT 523. Primary Mathematics Methods P-5. 3 Hours

Planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching mathematics to students in grades Pre-K to 5 with varied needs and abilities using a tier method. Topics include: Ohio Academic Content Standards, applications and instructional techniques that address proficiency testing, resources, technologies, manipulatives, interdisciplinary connections, grouping techniques, current research, and 21st century skills.

EDT 524. Primary Science Methods P-5. 3 Hours

Planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching science to students in grades P-5 with varied needs and abilities using a tier method. Topics include: Ohio Academic Content Standards, applications and instructional techniques that address proficiency testing, resources, technologies, manipulatives, interdisciplinary connections, grouping techniques, current research and 21st century skills.

EDT 525. Attachment, Nurturing, Resilience and Challenging Behaviors in Infants and Toddlers. 3 Hours

Research is clear that respectful and responsive relationships and interactions are critical to brain development in young children. This course will focus on strategies that support the development of attachment between very young children and adults and nurturing behaviors that foster resilience.

EDT 526. Student Teaching- K-3. 1 Hour

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching in a K-3 setting. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions required of a beginning K-3 teacher. Prerequisite(s): Registration for the course and approved student teaching/internship application packet submitted to the Department of Teacher Education at the beginning of the term prior to the student teaching experience; completion of all coursework; previous experience in a K-3 classroom; instructor permission.

EDT 527. Student Teaching- K-3. 3-7 Hours

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching in a K-3 setting. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions required of a beginning K-3 teacher. Prerequisite(s): Registration for the course and approved student teaching/internship application packet submitted to the Department of Teacher Education at the beginning of the term prior to the student teaching experience; completion of all coursework.

EDT 528. Internship in Transdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (Ages 3-5). 3 Hours

Supervised and evaluated teaching in a preschool special needs setting. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions needed to comply with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the Division for Early Childhood of the Council of Exceptional Children (DEC) guidelines for appropriate practice. Field experience required. Prerequisite(s): Registration for the course and approved student teaching/internship application packet submitted to the Department of Teacher Education at the beginning of the term prior to the student teaching experience.

EDT 529. Internship in Early Intervention. 3-10 Hours

Supervised and evaluated teaching in an infant/toddler educational setting. Candidates are to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions needed to comply with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the Division for Early Childhood and the Council of Exceptional Children (DEC) guidelines for appropriate practice. Field experience required. Prerequisite(s): Registration for the course and approved student teaching/internship application packet submitted to the Department of Teacher Education at the beginning of the term prior to the student teaching experience.

EDT 530. Middle School Principles and Practices. 3 Hours

This course is primarily a study of organization (school structure), philosophy and curriculum of middle level education (ages nine to 14) grades four to nine. It is designed to present the theoretical knowledge base about middle level (school) education. Issues and concerns, current trends and the essential elements relating to middle level education will be discussed throughout the semester of study. A variety of inquiry methods will be modeled that encourage critical thinking skills.

EDT 530L. Middle School Principles and Practices Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regards to the study of organization (school structure), philosophy and curriculum of middle level education (ages nine to 14), grades four to nine. It is designed to support the course study of the theoretical knowledge base about middle level (school) education. Issues and concerns, current trends and the essential elements relating to middle level education will be observed and studied throughout the semester.

EDT 532. Reading/Language Arts Methods for Middle Childhood Education. 3 Hours

This course focuses on the planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching reading/language arts to students in the middle schools with varied needs and abilities. The topics emphasized in this course include: an understanding of Ohio's academic content standards for grades 4-9, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio proficiency tests, various resources, technologies, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques and current research.

EDT 532L. Reading/Language Arts Methods for Middle Childhood Education Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to teaching reading/language arts to students in middle schools.

EDT 533. Mathematics Methods for Middle Childhood Education. 3 Hours

This course focuses on the planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching mathematics to students in the middle schools with varied needs and abilities. The topics emphasized in this course include: an understanding of Ohio's academic content standards for grades four to nine, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement tests, various resources, technologies, manipulatives and other visuals, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques and current research.

EDT 533L. Math Methods for Middle Childhood Education Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This lab consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to teaching math to students in middle schools. Corequisites: EDT 533.

EDT 534. Science Methods for Middle Childhood Education. 3 Hours

This course focuses on the planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching science to students in the middle schools with varied needs and abilities. The topics emphasized in this course include: an understanding of Ohio's academic content standards for grades four to nine, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement tests, various resources, technologies, experiments and other hands-on experiences, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques and current research.

EDT 534L. Science Methods for Middle Childhood Education Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates with the opportunity for field reflections in regard to teaching science to students in middle schools.

EDT 535. Social Studies Methods for Middle Childhood Education. 3 Hours

This course focuses on the planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching social studies to students in the middle schools with varied needs and abilities. The topics emphasized in this course include: an understanding of Ohio's academic content standards for grades four to nine, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement tests, various resources, technologies and active hands-on experiences, other visuals, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques and current research.

EDT 535L. Social Studies Methods for Middle Childhood Education Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to teaching social studies to students in middle schools.

EDT 536. The Culture of the Catholic School. 3 Hours

This course explores the theological, moral, academic, human and social components that give the Catholic school its distinctive culture. The role of spiritual, sacramental and communal relationships in the creation of Catholic school identity will be examined.

EDT 537. Second Language Learning and Teaching. 3 Hours

This course is an exploration of the nature of language proficiency, second language acquisition and literacy, bilingualism and biliteracy, the role of culture in language learning and implications for second language teaching.

EDT 538. TESOL Practicum. 1-3 Hours

This course provides opportunities to practice planning, instruction and assessment in an ESOL classroom under the mentorship of an experienced ESOL teacher. Prerequisites: EDT 537, ENG 594, LNG 568, ENG 541. Corequisites: ENG 541.

EDT 539. Sociolinguistics in Language Education. 3 Hours

This course examines social, cultural, linguistic and policy issues relevant to working with English language learners in U.S. schools.

EDT 540. Practicum in ESOL Instruction and Assessment. 3 Hours

This course focuses on planning and implementing ESOL instruction and assessment and on interpreting and using assessment data. It includes both course meeting and field experience components. Prerequisite(s): EDT 537, EDT 539, ENG 541, ENG 546, LNG 568.

EDT 541. Middle Childhood Reading/Language Arts 4-6 General Methods. 3 Hours

This course focuses on the planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching reading/language arts to students with varied needs and abilities in the middle schools. The topics emphasized in this course include: Ohio's academic content standards for grades 4-6, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio proficiency tests, resources, technologies, interdisciplinary connections, grouping techniques and current research.

EDT 542. Middle Childhood Mathematics 4-6 General Methods. 3 Hours

The topics emphasized in this course include: Ohio academic content standards for grades 4-6, applications and instructional techniques that address state testing for students with varied needs and abilities using a tier method, resources, technologies, manipulatives, interdisciplinary connections, grouping techniques, current research and 21st century skills.

EDT 543. Middle Childhood Science 4-6 General Methods. 3 Hours

This course focuses on the instructional methods, materials, assessments and evaluation techniques for teaching science to students with varied needs and abilities in grades 4-6. The topics emphasized in this course include: national and state content standards for science in grades 4-6; applications and instructional techniques addressing relevant Ohio assessments; resources, technologies, experiments and other hands-on experiences; interdisciplinary connections; grouping techniques; and current research in science teaching and learning.

EDT 544. Middle Childhood Social Studies 4-6 General Methods. 3 Hours

Planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching social studies to students in the middle schools with varied needs and abilities using a tier method. The topics emphasized in this course include: an understanding of national and state content standards for social studies for grades four through six, applications and instructional techniques that address relevant Ohio assessments, various resources, technologies, hands-on experiences, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques, current research in social studies teaching and learning.

EDT 549. Student Teaching- Middle Childhood. 3-7 Hours

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching in grades four to nine in at least one of the two candidate's concentration subjects. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of a beginning middle level teacher. Attendance at weekly seminars is required.

EDT 550. Integrated Language Arts Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult. 3 Hours

This course focuses on planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching all levels of integrated language arts to students in grades seven to 12 with varied needs and abilities. Topics include: understanding Ohio's academic content standards for grades seven to 12, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement and competency tests, various resources, technologies, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques, best practices and current research. This course is for initial licensure candidates.

EDT 550L. Integrated Language Arts Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to teaching integrated language arts to students in grades seven to 12.

EDT 551. Integrated Social Studies Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult. 3 Hours

This course focuses on planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching all levels of integrated social studies to students in grades seven to 12 with varied needs and abilities. Topics include: understanding Ohio's academic content standards for grades seven to 12, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement and competency tests, various resources, technologies, hands-on activities, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques, best practices and current research. This course is for initial licensure candidates.

EDT 551L. Integrated Social Studies Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to teaching integrated social studies to students in grades seven to 12.

EDT 552. Foreign Language Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult. 3 Hours

This course focuses on planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching all levels of foreign language to students in grades seven to 12 with varied needs and abilities. Topics include: understanding Ohio's academic content standards for grades seven to 12, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement and competency tests, various resources, technologies, hands-on activities and other visuals, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques, best practices and current research. This course is for initial licensure candidates.

EDT 552L. Foreign Language Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to teaching foreign language to students in grades seven to 12.

EDT 553. Integrated Mathematics Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult. 3 Hours

This course focuses on planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment, and evaluation techniques for teaching all levels of mathematics to students in grades seven to 12 with varied needs and abilities. Topics include: understanding Ohio's academic content standards for grades seven to 12, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement and competency tests, various resources, technologies, manipulatives, hands-on activities, other visuals, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques, best practices and current research. This course is for initial licensure candidates.

EDT 553L. Integrated Mathematics Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to teaching mathematics to students in grades seven to 12.

EDT 554. Science Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult. 3 Hours

This course focuses on planning, diagnosis, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques for teaching all levels of science to students in grades seven to 12 with varied needs and abilities. Topics include: understanding Ohio's academic content standards for grades seven to 12, applications and instructional techniques that address the Ohio achievement and competency tests, various resources, technologies, hands-on activities, interdisciplinary connections, various grouping techniques, safety issues, best practices and current research. This course is for initial licensure candidates.

EDT 554L. Science Methods for Adolescence to Young Adult Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to teaching science to students in grades seven to 12.

EDT 559. Music Student Teaching. 3-7 Hours

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching in music classes in schools (P-12). The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of a beginning music teacher. Attendance at a weekly seminar is required. The student teaching seminar is designed so that student teachers may reflect and share experiences with one another and with experienced teachers. Each seminar will include informal sharing/discussion sessions as well as formal presentations on topics of importance related to the practice of music education as well as securing a teaching position.

EDT 560. Early Childhood Program and Personnel Management. 3 Hours

This course is the first in the early childhood leadership program. Students will explore program and personnel management and human relations in early care and education.

EDT 560L. Early Childhood Program and Personnel Management Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course is the first in the early childhood leadership program. Students will explore program and personnel management and human relations in early care and education.

EDT 561. Supporting Quality Curriculum and Instruction in Early Care and Education. 3 Hours

This course provides opportunities for students to use research to identify and support quality early childhood curriculum, instruction and assessment.

EDT 561L. Supporting Quality Curriculum and Instruction in Early Care and Education Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing the opportunity for field reflections for students to use research to identify and support quality early childhood curriculum, instruction and assessment.

EDT 562. Regulations, Licensing and the Law in Early Care and Education. 3 Hours

This course addresses ethics in early care and education as well as issues related to health, safety and nutrition regulations including first aid, communicable disease, safety policies and practices. Reporting and recognizing child abuse is addressed. Students will learn to respond to regulations, licensing and laws that impact programs for young children.

EDT 562L. Regulations, Licensing and the Law in Early Care and Education Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course provides a field experience that addresses ethics in early care and education as well as issues related to health, safety and nutrition regulations including first aid, communicable disease, safety policies and practices. Reporting and recognizing child abuse is addressed. Students will learn to respond to regulations, licensing and laws that impact programs for young children.

EDT 563. Managing Finances and Marketing in Early Care and Education. 3 Hours

Students will explore strategies for managing finances and developing marketing plans in the field of early care and education.

EDT 563L. Managing Finances and Marketing in Early Care and Education Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course supports students in EDT 563 as they explore managing finances and developing marketing plans in the field of early care and education.

EDT 564. Advocacy in Early Care and Education. 3 Hours

This course explores current political, educational and societal issues related to early care and education and examines how teachers develop leadership skills to become better advocates for children, families and professions.

EDT 565. Internship and Practicum in Early Childhood Leadership. 3 Hours

This internship serves as the culminating experience where students demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions addressed in the four proceeding early childhood leadership courses. Students complete a six week full-time internship working with/as an early childhood director or administrator.

EDT 566. TESOL Methods. 3 Hours

Introduction to key concepts, theories, and methods in TESOL. Graduate standing.

EDT 567. Advanced Phonics and Multisensory Instruction. 3 Hours

This is the first course of a two-course practicum sequence for the dyslexia certificate. This course will cover the specific nature of dyslexia as a language-based learning disability, multisensory instruction, advanced phonics, spelling, vocabulary and lesson planning for tutoring.

EDT 568. Student Teaching Languages P-12. 3-7 Hours

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching of foreign languages in P-12 classes. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of a beginning foreign language teacher. Attendance at weekly seminars is required.

EDT 569. Student Teaching- Adolescence to Young Adult. 3-7 Hours

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching in the content area in a junior or senior high school classroom. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of a beginning secondary teacher. Attendance at weekly seminars is required. Prerequisite(s): Passing score on the Ohio Assessment for Educators specialty area exam; completion of 80% of content area courses; formal admission to student teaching a semester in advance.

EDT 570. Educating Diverse Student Populations in Inclusive Settings. 3 Hours

This course is the study of the characteristics, legal aspects and educational needs of students with challenges in learning. The role of the general educator in making curricular modifications and accommodations, adapting instruction and collaborating with other educators to facilitate learning in the general classroom for these students is examined.

EDT 570L. Educating Diverse Student Populations in Inclusive Settings Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to educating students with special needs in school settings.

EDT 571. Language Development and Emergent Literacy. 3 Hours

This course is the study of oral language and literacy development in children, with implications for all learners, including children with special needs.

EDT 572. Introduction to Education of Learners with Mild/Moderate Needs. 3 Hours

This course is the study of the role and function of the intervention specialist. This course presents issues of definition, identification and placement procedures. The candidate will acquire knowledge of major researchers and history, variations in belief, traditions and values across cultures and current practices in the field.

EDT 572L. Introduction to Education of Learners with Mild/Moderate Needs Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to the role and function of the intervention specialist.

EDT 573. Collaborating with Families, Professionals and Agencies. 3 Hours

This course examines theories and techniques to assist teachers in working with professionals, families and agency personnel to provide an appropriate educational program, improve home-school relationships and develop family-professional partnerships. Historical and legal perspectives of parental influence on special education services are examined.

EDT 574. Behavior Management. 3 Hours

This course examines the principles and methods of observing, recording, assessing and managing human behavior with emphasis on students with disabilities.

EDT 575. Assessment: Mild/Moderate. 3 Hours

This course is the study of the multidisciplinary use of assessment instruments and techniques in the diagnosis, planning and evaluation of the special needs learner and the development of individual education programs.

EDT 575L. Assessment: Mild/Moderate Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to use of assessment instruments and techniques in the school setting.

EDT 576. Curriculum: Mild/Moderate. 2-3 Hours

This course is the study of curriculum development considering the motor, cognitive, academic, social, language, affective, functional, life skills and individual programming of students with mild/moderate disabilities. Prerequisite(s): EDT 572, EDT 572L, EDT 573, EDT 574, EDT 575, EDT 575L (varies by program).

EDT 576L. Curriculum: Mild/Moderate Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to curriculum development for students with mild/moderate disabilities.

EDT 578. Application of Computers/Technology in Special Education. 2 Hours

This course is the study of basic computer applications in special education, including instructional programs, software evaluation, telecommunications, multimedia and hypermedia, assistive technology, augmentative devices, resources and legal/ethical issues. Prerequisite(s): Basic computing/technology skills.

EDT 579. Instructional Strategies: Mild/Moderate. 2-3 Hours

This course examines the strategies, materials and evaluation techniques for teaching students with mild/moderate learning needs. Prerequisite(s): EDT 572, EDT 572L, EDT 573, EDT 574, EDT 575, EDT 575L (varies by program).

EDT 579L. Instructional Strategies: Mild/Moderate Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to planning, instruction, and assessment for students with mild/moderate learning needs.

EDT 582. Dyslexia Methods Practicum. 3 Hours

This is the second course of a two-course practicum sequence for the dyslexia methods certificate. This course will take place in a local school and will involve one-to-one, supervised tutoring of a student with reading difficulties using a multisensory instructional approach. Prerequisite(s): EDT 567.

EDT 583L. Teaching Visual Arts Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course is the field experience portion of VAE 583, and consists of activities related to curriculum, planning, theory and practice for teaching visual arts to students, grades P-12. Corequisite(s): VAE 583.

EDT 587. Student Teaching: Mild/Moderate. 1 Hour

Supervised and evaluated teaching with students demonstrating mild/moderate learning needs. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions of an intervention specialist. Attendance at seminars may be required. Prerequisite(s): EDT 575, EDT 575L, EDT 576, EDT 576L, EDT 579, EDT 579L; approval of faculty.

EDT 589. Student Teaching: Mild/Moderate. 3-7 Hours

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching with students demonstrating mild/moderate learning problems. The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions of a beginning mild/moderate intervention specialist teacher. Attendance at seminars is required. Formal admission to student teaching a full semester in advance is required.

EDT 599. Student Teaching- Art (P-12). 3-10 Hours

Full-time supervised and evaluated teaching in art classes in school (P-12). The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of a beginning art teacher. Attendance at weekly seminars is required. Prerequisite(s): Passing score on the Ohio Assessment for Educators specialty area exam; completion of 80% of content area courses; formal admission to student teaching a semester in advance.

EDT 600. Reading Methods. 3 Hours

An integrated language arts course focusing on the knowledge base underpinning the teaching of reading and related language arts processes within the language arts and across curriculum to students of various ages, needs and abilities. Topics include: planning, instructional methods, materials, assessment and evaluation techniques. ECE, MCE and IS licensure candidates must meet program requirement in reading. AYA candidates are also required to meet this requirement if working toward Ohio's Reading Endorsement.

EDT 600L. Reading Methods Laboratory. 0-1 Hours

This course consists of planned field experiences providing candidates the opportunity for field reflections in regard to planning, instruction and assessment of language arts across the curriculum in school settings.

EDT 601. Phonics, Spelling and Vocabulary. 3 Hours

This course provides the background knowledge necessary for effectively teaching and assessing the role of phonics in the reading process. Emphases are on developing phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling and word recognition/word meaning embedded in the context of a total reading/language arts program focused on meaning construction. ECE, MCE and IS initial licensure candidates must meet program requirements in reading. AYA candidates are also required to meet this requirement if working toward Ohio's Reading Endorsement.

EDT 602. Critical Reading in the Content Areas. 3 Hours

In this course, MCE and IS candidates examine the strategies and techniques in the development of prior knowledge skills, study skills, vocabulary, technology and assessment as they relate to critical reading abilities in a variety of curriculum areas. This course is part of Ohio's 12-hour State Mandated Reading Core. ECE, MCE, IS and multi-age licensure candidates must meet this requirement.

EDT 603. Foundations of Literacy through Literature. 3 Hours

This course serves as an introductory course to the reading/language arts (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, visual representation) and the role literature plays in these processes. It is a foundation course in reading and is intended to align with the requirements of Ohio Reading Core licensure standards for the ECE, MCE and IS programs. Topics examined include the foundations of literacy, research theories and related models of reading, various children's and young adult literature, the integration of technology in literacy, an overview of the importance of on-going assessment in teaching reading/language arts and an awareness of cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity in individual learners.

EDT 605. Advanced Study in Reading/Language Arts. 3 Hours

This course is designed to provide teachers the opportunity to extend their knowledge of the reading/language arts processes and the principles underlying effective instruction. Key concepts are drawn from recent research and theory in language learning, developmental reading research and research describing the literacy processes of children.

EDT 606. Assessment and Evaluation of Reading Difficulties. 3 Hours

This course is the study of formal and informal diagnostic tests and procedures for identifying reading strengths and weaknesses with applications for reading programs. Candidates must register for EDT 607 the next semester. Prerequisite(s): EDT 605.

EDT 607. Practicum in Reading Intervention Techniques. 3 Hours

In this course the candidate will apply knowledge of informal and formal evaluation instruments for diagnosing reading ability and disability and their causes with students and to plan appropriate intervention experiences for those students. Laboratory portion of EDT 606. This course must be taken the semester immediately following EDT 606. Prerequisite(s): EDT 606.

EDT 608. The Writing Classroom. 3 Hours

This course will focus on the teacher as a writer. Elements of the writing process will be discussed and implemented. Candidates will develop a classroom writing program.

EDT 609. Issues, Trends and Research in Reading. 3 Hours

Basic course for teachers concerned with the psychology of learning to read and current issues, trends and research in teaching reading/language arts.

EDT 614. Education and World Religions. 3 Hours

An examination of how world religions approach education, how they educate adherents in the religion, and how they conceive of and teach virtues. The intersection of faith and culture, and the position of religion in contemporary American education are also addressed.

EDT 617. Instructional Strategies: Moderate/Intense. 3 Hours

This course examines the strategies, materials, and evaluation techniques for teaching students with moderate/intense disabilities. Field experience required. Prerequisites: EDT 342, EDT 574.

EDT 618. Community Involvement and Transition Readiness. 3 Hours

This course examines community supports, transition services and resources available to adolescents and adults with moderate to intense disabilities. It addresses areas such as post secondary, career and/or occupational training, as well as independent living skills, social/emotional learning (SEL) and self-advocacy. Field work required.

EDT 629. Cognition, Learning and Technology. 3 Hours

This course focuses on the connections between cognitive psychology and technology-enhanced teaching and learning. New insights emerging from the latest research on human cognition have important implications for instructional design. Such insights suggest ways of teaching and learning that foster deep understanding, better thinking and the use of knowledge to solve complex problems. Students will learn how to build technology-enhanced, problem-based learning environments grounded in the latest research on human cognition and constructivist learning theory. This course is the gateway course leading to the Master of Science in Education with a concentration in Technology-Enhanced Learning. It is the prerequisite for all other courses in the program.

EDT 630. Multimedia Production. 3 Hours

This course will allow students to manipulate and manage multimedia resources, including presentation software, graphics and audio and video clips to create engaging learning experiences. Students will engage in multimedia activities that focus on classroom technology integration.

EDT 631. Technology Trends Seminar. 3 Hours

This course introduces, examines, and evaluates current technology trends in education. Students will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of current trends, plan activities predicated on trending technology, and justify their benefit for achieving student learning outcomes. Topics include: Gamification, Social Media, Digital Communication, Video, and Virtual Reality.

EDT 632. Creating and Delivering Online Courses. 3 Hours

This course aims to equip learners with a background in essential e-learning pedagogical philosophies. Additionally, learners will gain the requisite skills to adapt content to an online learning environment using structures and practices that promote student learning and healthy online learning communities.

EDT 633. Web Design and Development. 3 Hours

This course is designed to be an introductory level course for educators with no previous web design experience. The course focuses on using HTML authoring software to build a working website that can be implemented for a typical classroom setting. Upon completion of this course, students develop a class website and demonstrate the technical proficiency to update the website as needed.

EDT 634. Leadership in Educational Technology. 3 Hours

This course helps prepare the future technology leader in the areas of leadership and vision, understanding the educational environment, and managing technology and support services. Topics include the skill areas of leadership & vision, strategic planning, ethics & policies, instructional focus & professional development, team building & staffing, information technology management, communication systems management, business management, data management and data privacy and security.

EDT 648. Teacher Leaders Using Data for Decision Making. 3 Hours

Study of the role of teacher leaders facilitating collaborative team efforts at building and district levels in using data to inform instruction. Types of assessments and their respective roles in instructional planning and differentiation of teaching will be explored. Prerequisites: State of Ohio Teaching License or permission from Department Chair.

EDT 649. Coaching and Teacher Leaders. 3 Hours

Designed to prepare classroom teachers for work as instructional mentors and coaches. Course learning activities are structured around a coaching framework designed to support mentor teachers in the process of reflection and self-assessment.

EDT 650. Professional Development of Teacher Leaders. 3 Hours

This course is a study of existing and emerging models of professional development designed to provide classroom teachers with opportunities to assume new leadership roles and responsibilities in the school community.

EDT 658. Independent Study. 1-3 Hours

This course is an in-depth study of a selected educational topic. The candidate develops an individual learning plan that includes objectives, schedule of readings and assignments, products and methods of evaluation. Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chair.

EDT 659. Special Topics in Teaching. 1-3 Hours

This course is the study of specialized areas of education not typically included in the professional education sequence. Topics are announced.

EDT 660. Perspectives on Educational Research. 3 Hours

This course is a study of key components necessary to understand, analyze and evaluate research. Emphases are on understanding the foundational principles of inquiry and related issues.

EDT 662. Thesis. 2 Hours

The thesis serves as the culmination of courses in a candidate's graduate program where thesis was chosen as a research option. There is a mandatory two-term requirement for thesis. Prerequisite(s): EDT 660.

EDT 663. Thesis. 2 Hours

The thesis serves as the culmination of courses in a candidate's graduate program where the thesis option was chosen as a research choice. There is a mandatory two-term requirement for the thesis option. Prerequisite(s): EDT 662.

EDT 667. Action Research in Practice. 3 Hours

Students apply the principles of design by implementing a research study in an educational setting. The findings are presented in a public forum. This course is the capstone learning activity of the master's degree. Prerequisite(s): EDT 660.

EDT 672. History of Higher Education in the United States. 3 Hours

This course is a study of the development of postsecondary American education from Colonial times to the present with special emphases on mission, purposes, governance and curriculum as they change over time and differ by institutional type.

EDT 680. Coaching in Diverse Classrooms. 2 Hours

The focus of this course is on the preparation of literacy specialists to coach teachers in the implementation of culturally responsive instruction for diverse learners. This population includes special needs, culturally and linguistically diverse students. Emphasis will be placed on connections between current theory, research, and instructional practice. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to END. LTS program.

EDT 681. Coaching for Effective Assessment Practice. 2 Hours

Designed for reading specialists, this course teaches knowledge, skills and dispositions in school-based professional development and coaching on classroom-based reading assessment concepts and skills. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to END.LTS program.

EDT 682. Pedagogy of Effective Literacy Instruction. 2 Hours

This course enables candidates to demonstrate knowledge of a wide range of instructional practices, methods, and curriculum materials, including technology, that support effective reading and writing instruction. Candidates integrate their knowledge and dispositions regarding curriculum, instructional practices, curricular materials, assessment and evaluation to create literate environments that foster both reading and writing in all students. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to END.LTS program.

EDT 683. Professional Development in Literacy. 2 Hours

An introduction to research and knowledge bases related to teacher professional development from a variety of perspectives. Examines coaching as one venue of supporting teacher professional development. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to END.LTS program.

EDT 684. Advanced Literacy Research. 2 Hours

This course is an introduction to literacy research as an integral part of professional development. It builds on candidate understanding of a variety of research paradigms in reading and writing research, supports engagement in inquiry that significantly advances candidates' current understanding of the teaching of reading and writing, and provides opportunities for candidates to collaborate with other literacy professionals in order to advance understanding of evidence-based practice. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to END.LTS program.

EDT 685. LTS Internship. 4 Hours

The internship is the culminating activity supporting and integrating the accomplishment of the Literacy Specialist Endorsement Standards I - VI. This school-based practicum over an academic year includes providing group and individual professional development to colleagues for continuous improvement of literacy curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Diagnostic reading and writing clinical experiences focus on databased decision making to inform coaching. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to END. LTS program.

EDT 951. Advocacy in and through Organizations. 3 Hours

This course explores the current political, educational, and societal issues related to educational institutions, healthcare organizations, nonprofits and similar organizations. It will explore the role of individuals and organizations in strengthening leadership and advocacy skills relevant to the organizations and the communities they serve.

EDT 963. Building Learning Communities. 3 Hours

This doctoral-level course will explore concepts and theories related to the development of learning communities and to increasing adult learning and productivity in organizations.